Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chris Lune
Production, Mixage, Mastering, je sais m'adapter à toutes les possibilités qui s'offre à moi.
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Professional piano, saxophone, flute, and clarinet musician | Music composer | Artist consultant | Recently completed work in health care as an SEO & Web Content Consultant at the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a Fortune 100 company.
I'm a Vancouver-based Producer/Composer/Engineer/Mixer with an appetite to find musicians who are as serious about their craft as I am about mine. I've been at the helm of both independent and label releases for a wide range of genres, and the artists I've had the pleasure to work with can be heard on Radio, Spotify, Apple Music.
Hi, I've been composing, mixing and mastering music for more than 10 years. As an artist, my name is Kaidoorn: you can find my music on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, etc... I specialize in electronic, synthwave, pop, dance/club music. Feel free to contact me for more info!
I’m an upcoming music engineer who started out making beats and writing music. Then one day I needed my songs mixed, so I spent years learning mixing and will be entering berklee online schooling this fall to get my certificates.
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With over 17 million streams and 1.5 million listeners, I have found my home in making music for a living, I specialize in making instrumental beats to help people relax and calm down.
Versatile session drummer who has recorded with Dear Rouge, Ruby Waters, T Thomason, jackie, Record Loss, Altered by Mom, and many more. Well versed in multiple styles, specializing in Rock, Indie, Pop, and Progressive music.
Recent Successes
"Andres gave me some great feedback on my mix to help achieve a better overall balance before. Andres cares more about getting a great sounding master, than just mastering whatever he's given. Highly recommended!"
"Once again. Customer service on point. He help bring this jingle to life as expected!"
"Great to work with!"
"Andres goes above n'beyond, taking a special interest in each song. And really connects with it on more than just a technical level. With full analog mastering and the added bonus of individual mix analysis, it’s a wo..."
"Austin is a pleasure to work with. Highly communicative and pleasant. He has an expert ear and sensibilities which result in carefully considered deliveries that need no adjustments when delivered, which is rare. ..."
"So happy to have met Sepher; I think we are at our 6th track together and the final result is always a ready-to-sign track; Strongly reccommend wotrking with him. Peace. BanKr"
"Cris never lets us down-He makes beautiful music that gets better and better with each of our songs.Cris, you're one of a kind! We're so glad when we chose you, we found someone special. Thanks-The twins"