Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dstance
I'm a producer and mixing engineer in Mexico City, specialized in Pop and Dance music. Worked with major labels and placed songs in multiple films.
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Hi I'm Ashlinn Gray, I'm a professional singer/ songwriter in Los Angeles, CA. I've been working in the music industry for 7+ years and specialize in pop, singer songwriter and hiphop hooks. I'm known for my unique voice and quirky, relatable lyrics.
Classically trained: soprano, alto, tenor, baritone saxophones, Bb + bass clarinet, flute + piccolo. Masters in composition; electronic soundscapes + orchestral. Have commercially recorded and toured with Bastille and Public Service Broadcasting. I can record your orchestration, compose your orchestration or compose + record your orchestration.
Studio Quality Bass Recording
So the prices might aswell be zero. Currently im doing mixing and mastering as a hobby, but i want to build my portfolio! If you've got a cool multitrack you want mixed (with vocal editing and pitch correction if needed) hit me up!
Hi my name is Gianni Kahanoff, wanna get some lyrics down?
I am a versatile Sound Designer with expertise in all aspects of Music Production and Arrangement. I have the ability to mix and master audio to a high level of quality.
Flexible Producer with a passion for experimenting and trying out new ideas.
Hey, I'm Billysoundsystem, a composer of all kinds of music from France I am also a sound engineer, I could take care of your instrumentals or complete track I listen to your projects, let me know what you need
Recent Successes
"Every time we do a song the process is always fast we literally made a song within an hr or two the same day he always knows how to get me to push myself to finding the right vibe for the son"
"Dalton did a great job on our master! He completed the work quickly, was responsive to messages, and was very easy to work with. Good people is good people, and this dude is very good people! Would recommend him 100%. "
"Tomas has been absolutely fantastic and I'd recommend him to anyone. He has great communication, technical and musical skills as well as being a genuinely nice guy!"
"The man! I couldn't be happier with the experience. Kody was a crucial element on bringing our song to life, i highly recommend. "
"There are pros and then there is Dennis. You’ve probably heard him on the radio and did not know it. He is the person Pros go to in order to become Masters. Do not hesitate to reach out to him if you are interested in..."