Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Drugstore Primadonna - Lila Danielson Wong
Indie-Pop + Electronic producer, songwriter, and singer with over 17 Million streams on Spotify- Graduate of Berklee College of Music with a degree in Music Production, Business, and Technology. Overseeing and managing all styles of music, Carter has accumulated over 39 writing credits, 43 production credits, and over 17 Million streams on Spotify.
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Established in 2009, we are a small independent studio set in the heart of the Somerset countryside. We pride ourselves on being able to cater for just about any musical and audio scenario and to deliver recordings that are both impressive and affordable.
Grammy nominated songwriter / producer. worked w/ Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, P Diddy, Nipsey Hussle and many more. I have been blessed with over 5 #1 records both in the US and worldwide. Let’s make some MAGIC and add some more waves to the universe!
Are you a rapper struggling to begin or complete your songs? Are you frustrated because you can’t figure out how to write the perfect hook? Or are you unable to make your lyrics have a smooth and catchy flow over the instrumental?
São Paulo based musician with 20+ years of drumming, gigs, recording, 5+ years mixer engineer in all kind of work in music business. Let's talk about you project and release to the world.
Lawrence Biancardi has worked professionally in the music industry for over 13 years. From touring with bands, to prodividing audio services to top charting artists in the U.K, and Grammy Nominated Artists in the U.S. His online mastering services are simple and have had a 100% satisfaction rate. One price for all, no extra charges.
aweston backwards is a singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, spoken word poet, beat producer, and top-liner from the land of salty lakes. He's here to make music, create poetry, sing, and craft bumping beats. Music is his greatest passion and it's his 2020 goal to walk away from his 4 year handyman business to be involved with music full-time
Production & Mixing Services - Creation of productions tailored to suit your song. I have a great network of musicians and access to some amazing gear including mics, pre amps, analogue compressors and tape. Most experience and Rock, Funk, World music and Lo-Fi
Recent Successes
"what an amazing artist. So easy to work with and an incredible talent! I can't wait to work with her again"
"This is my second project with him and he is awesome 👏🏾 Great quality fast service And top line melody is on point I only choose to work with him on better and prices are reasonable "
"Nicki is kick ass. A creative, intuitive and skilled vocalist. She will add personality to your piece giving it a fresh voice with a unique sound. She is outstanding to work with and accepting of direction. She is al..."
"Pearl followed my instructions in a friendly and professional manner. She recorded exactly what I required - two excellent flute tracks - and I would certainly use her services again."
"Amazing work on mastering two quite different tracks for one release. Mark is a seriously good engineer and really brought the atmosphere and quality to life - couldn't believe how big and warm the sound was as soon a..."
"Sasha is superb. On this Americana track he understood what I needed before I did, delivering more than was necessary so I had plenty of melodic and coloring options from which to choose when doing my final mix. I ca..."
"Five Stars are Not enough. 10 Stars of 10"
"He is one of the Best!!🔥 his master got accepted by Universal Music Germany now❤️🙌🏻"
"Great results working with Bram again, great back and forth communication and quick turnaround."
"Tomas has yet again delivered exceptional work. Not only was the track produced exactly how I prescribed but he went the extra mile in providing an alternative take. He is quick to respond and a phenomenal Saxophoni..."