Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DRØVER
Take your song from unfinished to a masterpiece!
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The guitarist you need for your album, weather you need picking style, vibrant cleans, hooks, heavy riffs or solos with feel or shred I can do it all. Great technique and ability to find the right part to fit the song.
10 years of playing.2 years worth of recording, mixing and studio experience. I am a composer and my main instrument is the electric guitar. I pride myself on unique compositions that create a visceral and fresh experience for the listener.
i mix hip hop song and pop song.
Specializing in live sound, live recording, and mixing/mastering, Matt Vice will get the sound you want in any environment. Having worked over a decade of live music events, Vice has mixed numerous styles of music. Like most things from the midwest, you can expect a great product without the cosmopolitan prices.
Remote Mixing & Mastering
12+ years of experience as a mixing engineer and assisting aspiring artists.
Over 20 Years of Experience delivering the highest quality any artist would ask for
I write, produce and mix Billboard-type pop records in the style of Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Tate McRae, The Weeknd etc. You are guaranteed the highest standards in songwriting, arrangement, production and final mix of Your song.
Recent Successes
"Orville is a very professional artist. His voice is excellent and fits all sorts of genres. It was a great experience working with him."
"I'll continue to keep coming back to work with Kyle. He's just an absolute pleasure and talent. Hire this guy."
"I am extremely satisfied with and confident in the quality of my songs thanks to Aaron's excellent work in mastering my music! He is friendly, helpful, punctual and responsive and went above and beyond to help me get ..."
"Stunning voice"
"The minute I heard Brandon’s samples that were posted, I knew he was the one. This was my first country song written and he totally gave it the sound and vibe that I was going for!!! Brandon is a pro, who gave quick t..."
"Me, David Baresch, I produce a piece of broken glass. Kipper Eldridge picks up that shard, polishes it, reforms it, and the outcome...? A sparkling musical is diamond is produced. Whatever kind of music you make, Kipp..."
"Jeff is a seasoned artist, as well as a wonderful musician to work with to create solid songs. The delivery on his vocals of "Break Free" was heartfelt and reflective, which was needed to give this song life. Jeff und..."
"First time ever working with Brandon and he's a very talented bass payer. Highly recommend! "