Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dreamodus
I am a producer, songwriter and mixing/mastering engineer with wide range of genre production experience from pop to rock, lo-fi to hip hop, edm to rnb/soul.
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Hear the difference from 15+ years of professional experience.
I am a producer, session guitarist and a mix engineer. I specialise in Rock, Pop and Indie. I provide high quality production and mixing.
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In the process of Mixing I will give your songs life.
She works in the fields of sound art, videoart, sound/light installation, intervention performance in public space. Her works have been presented at: MehrLicht Music Festival in Berlin, Germany; SWR Experimental Studio „Matrix15“ in Freiburg, Germany; Beethovenfest Bonn, Germany; ZKM „next_Generation“ Festival in Karlsruhe, Germany; Performance at
Mixing And Mastering Engineer
7evenTheEngineer, Prefers Not To Disclose My Location.favorite_borderfavoriteGet your songs Mixed And Mastered At Professional Quality and Within Few Days(Or Hours).
Edu Helpers Now is an editing and proofreading platform designed to provide you with the perfect documents by delivering extraordinary editing and proofreading services to its customers.
I am a singer-songwriter based in London, England. I speicalise in acoustic pop but have been hired for projects including electric pop, soft pop and indie. I have composed and had cantata's performed by sopranos at the Royal Opera House and provided services to numerous artists on SoundCloud who have expressed their happiness with the result :)
Recent Successes
"As a musician, my goal is to evoke real emotion. Unbridled and pure. Charlie Lowell has a natural ease in his playing and an inherent melodic sense which added emotional depth to my song. Quick response and turnarou..."
"We just had numerous revisions, vocals re-dos from our end that have put Arturo to the test and he passed with flying colors. We are happy to have continued to work with him."
"Great experience and quick turnaround. "
"This is an absolutely wonderful experience, Mr.Mig is very patient about any of my opinions and questions. Everything he did about this song is not only professional but so excellent and magically interesting. The fin..."
"Ashley, it was an absolute delight working with you! Your exceptional talent and ease of collaboration made the entire experience enjoyable. Your insights and input were consistently spot-on, and I greatly appreciate ..."
"Mason did an amazing job!! Totally nailed the vibe and what I was looking for when it came to vocals for my song. Vocals sounded great, super clean, gave me everything I needed to make the track pop. Prompt work. I..."
"Jordan absolutely slayed that song!!! I barely gave direction and in one take, he hit every piece of rhythm syncopation and groove I could have asked for. He plays just enough for his part ,not too much cluttering a t..."
"Great vocalist, and very 'modern' sounding. I'm truly impressed."