Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dragnet jack webb
Ghost-Producer,Producer, Mix & Mastering engineer with more than 10 years of experience. Bringing your sound to life with precision and creativity. we take music to another level!!!! versatile musician
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Musician, singer, songwriter, producer
I am a Boston-based Audio Engineer with over 10 years of professional experience in live sound and recording technology. Whether you are in search of a FOH/Monitor Engineer orMixing/Mastering Engineer, I will provide you with what you need to keep your music sounding great!
Are you ready to take your songs to the next level?
I'm a London, UK based music producer, with 10 years of experience in music production and mix engineering. A few years ago, I decided to quit my day job and move towards a career in music full time to follow my passion and do what I love!
Drummer, Guitarist, Vocalist, Bassist, Hired Gun, Producer & Songwriter.
Audiophile producer & performing artist in hot pursuit of goosebumps!
We will edit and fix your audio files to its best possible version. We will use advanced techniques and softwares to ensure the final product is a crisp and clean as possible. Whether you are recording a scene for your Film, Documentary, we will be there to guarantee that the sound and emotion of the live action is captured in the highest quality.
I am a musician-turned-engineer who loves all things recording and mixing! I'm looking for anyone needing mixes, or editing to help their music get heard. I'm open to most genre's, but I'm really looking for some rock artists in need of mixing!
Recent Successes
"Working with Sefi was a wonderful experience. I am new to having someone mix and master for me and he was very patient with me. He has a wonderful attitude and you can tell he really takes care of your song as it is h..."
"Karen is an extremely talented individual. I'm beyond happy with the work that she was able to provide and was more than willing to help re-record on the fly. I highly recommend working with her and definitely see mys..."
"Aubrey handled a remix for me...promptly produced in the midst of chaos, and for that I am very grateful!"
"Working with such a great talent as Felix has been a pleasure. I hope to deal with him again. Fabio"
"Great experience working with Paul. Definitely puts pride into his work to bring the best out of your project. Would recommend to anyone looking to get the most from their music. Cheers"
"It was my first experience and it was great! I’m totally satisfied with result. Rolipso helped out on every step of process and his support is priceless! His music is fantastic and make me inspired. Hope to see you..."
"Quicker than you expect, but with none of the quality of work lost! Great, full sounding master. Thank you again Elliot!"
"One of my best "discovery" on Soundbetter. Awesome artist with a real identity. Higly recommended. "
"Great job Pat, exactly what my client was looking for. Thank you!"