Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dominic Carlos
I'm an award wining tracking/mixing/mastering engineer and producer working in Hawaii for over a decade, both in and out of the studio, in Indie, Rock, Jazz, Reggae and Slack Key. A couple of the more successful projects I've worked on are Mike Love - The Change I'm Seeking (Mix engineer) Vishious Fishious - (Tracking/Mixing/Mastering engineer)
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A professional Sound Mixer, and Boom Operator available in Phoenix, Arizona, Los Angeles, San Diego and throughout Southern California and Las Vegas, Nevada.
Yanni is a Grammy Award Winning RecordingEngineer 🎙 | MixingEngineer 🎚based out of New York 🗽 Working with artists like H.E.R., Tiara Thomas, Dave East and many others, she has built a name for herself and has become one of New York’s more in-demand freelance audio engineers. 🍎
I strive to provide clients with a comfortable and competent creative atmosphere while delivering an industry-standard product. My clients trust me with their music and I am passionate about making sure their dreams are realized to their highest potential!
We work with people to create positive community impact: • Using music to enable social activities for inclusion to combat isolation; • Through referrals, we compliment other support that people receive with their emotional and mental wellbeing; • Our industry partnerships provide learning, employment and professional practice development.
Hi! I’m Ben. I am a producer and instrumentalist from Toronto, CA. With over ten years of experience in music I am excited to get your music to where it should be!
Not just another mixing engineer. I do it in a creative way! Try Me!
Mixing engineer/Producer/Session Guitarist/Film Composer - Having worked with members from Mutemath and Twenty One Pilots, Davide Rossi, Vian Izak, and many more.
I have been making music for 13 years, and with loads of studio time, ghost production clients, my own personal catalog of music, and many more experience areas we can take your track to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Awesome, very satisfied with his work!"
"100% satisfied as usual! Dan is the man! Enjoying my musical journey with him. Cares about each track, and is also incredibly good at what he does..."
"ESOF always nails the mixes and takes them above and beyond what you thought the track was capable of. "
"Austin is the ONE mixing engineer to go with. I am so glad I found him for my last project and confidently came back this time. Many others tell you they've got the ear, but they haven't. Austin's first mixes are on s..."
"Slow down boy was one of my latest lyrics, and seeing what Arron did with them, and the music he created based on my reference are simply out of this world! Maybe this is my secret favorite of the album! I can definit..."
"Just had another track mastered by Kelly, he works fast and nails the sound every time. Thanks boss! "
"Matt Sim is a diamond in the rough when it comes to mix engineers. His goal is to bring your vision to life and he’s great at understanding your vision and doing just that. Matt is easily one of the best mix engineers..."
"Aaron did a great job and was very professional. High quality recording and answering fast!"
"Hey Diego, You did a great job with the project & I liked that you challenged me on different aspects. Whether I agreed or disagreeded I had to look at it from a different angle & the song is better for it. Tha..."
"This is Professionalism, there's nothing else to say!!!"