Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DOF TWOGEE
I am a multi-Platinum Executive Producer & Studio engineer with 10+ years of experience in the local Hip Hop scene and all over the world. I have worked with multiple artists, from beginners to some of the top artists/producers in the country.
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Singing is my passion. I'm confident, humble, easy to work with and I follow instructions.
Recording Artist, Lyricist, Songwriter, and Producer
Freelance production studio and label from Ukraine based in Berlin looking to work with new talents in Indie, Alt-Rock, Jazz or creative Electronic genres. Also a skilled guitarist with over 15 years of jazz training as well as love for rock-n-roll and writing.
💎Sound Engineer and Music Production Academy Audioplace (AES) Artists Pepsi Music +500k views Youtube +200k views Facebook +6.6k of shared in Facebook Urban music specialists
6 years of experience - Let's develop the sound that represents YOU!
Ingeniero de Grabación, Mezcla, Artista Sonoro from Chile. 15 años de experiencia
***$70/hour flat rate for recording (mixing and mastering included)*** Elevate Your Sound: Premium Music Recording Studio & Rehearsal Space Discover a creative sanctuary designed for musicians and bands to bring their sound to life. Our state-of-the-art recording studio and rehearsal space offers everything you need to perfect your music.
Recent Successes
"Tom really knocked it out of the park. I threw him a few curve balls on this project with a track that had multiple tempo changes and he handled it with grace and professionalism. Halfway through the project I changed..."
"After finishing our last project, it was only a matter of time to work with George once again. He wrote an amazing topline, I can't imagine the last time I was that much in love with some vocals, like these ones! I h..."
"Just finished working with Nate for the second time. Once again, he came through in every way. The quality of his work is excellent and working with him is a pleasure. He adds his creative input when needed and also..."
"Mr. Ho is the real deal! He has top level production. Also, He was extremely patient, and He went above and beyond to deliver the track I envisioned. I’d highly recommend his services. "
"Gosteffects nailed the project yet again, he's so slick at mastering I might get him to have a look a mixing my next track! Pleasure working with him x"
"Arianna performed 3 unison "sisters", in each of 4 complex songs, presenting doctorate-level summation lyrics, by 'giving of her heart', so much so that, above the excellent professional work itself, she captures the ..."