Dobro in Vancouver
15 years in the music business, playing, touring & recording. Music BA. Guitar nerd & Tone junkie.
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More providers:
10+ years professional mixing, recording and FOH engineer 4+ years producer/executive producer 4+ years associate professor - audio engineering Berklee College of Music ('89) Extensive experience with international clients
I'm a professional mastering out of SOHO NYC. I offer online and accompanied mastering. Low rates and able to work with your budget.
Celestial Soundscapes is a audio service company specializing in audio engineering such as, mixing and mastering, music production, and also graphic design.
"I was extremely impressed with Hemke's work. He's got a very creative and inventive approach." Warren Huart (Aerosmith, James Blunt, The Fray) —— "Everything you're doing is such a great quality and there's so much heart and soul in your playing..." Tim Pierce (Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson)
I am a professional Guitar player, Composer, Music producer & Songwriter based in Bangladesh with 13 years of experience. I have been teaching Guitar professionally since 2010. You can check out my bands too. Currently I am playing for Exenemy (Power Metal), The Great Escape (Rock), Evilbong (Death Metal).
Hello! I´m a 27 year old professional guitarist from Mexico City, I have experience working with professional musicians and composers, I can record acoustic and electric guitars for your projects in high quality. Let me know your music goals and we can work together to achieve the sound of your dreams!
Creative and out of the box bass guitar to give your songs a fun, distinct, and solid foundation. Harmonies and vocal stacks to breathe new life into your project.
I have been working in various capacities of audio production for the last five years and music production for the last seven years. I graduated from American University with a degree in Audio Technology. I've produced over 100 original pieces of music and often work with other artists to record, mix, and master their music. I do vocals as well.
Recent Successes
"I am speechless at how good my mix turns out. All the instruments and vocals sound clean, tight, sit well in the mix. No more worries about looking for a mixing engineer anymore. I found Marco! Surely Marco will be my..."
"Great job, knows his stuff. Wants the best for each song he works on and even gave recommendations to improve the mix."
"Thanks so much for this track. And thanks for being a great collaborator."
"Drew was really easy to work with! He is super fast and dedicated. I'm sure we'll work again together in the future! Highly recommended."
"Tyler’s voice is incredible, and his songwriting ability is equally impressive. He’s also very professional and friendly!"
"Another job well done! Thank you ! :-) I highly recommend it!"
"Sophia is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Super talented vocalist who nailed out song. I really love the harmonies she added to her leads. Her tone is beautiful!"
"Wow, Bodo did it again. How many times have I said that before-over 20 times. Bodo listens to the song and seems to "get inside it" until his drums fuse with what I'd hoped to hear."
"It's always a great experience working with Mella, she's a fantastic and versatile singer, willing to go that extra mile, and always brings a great sensibility to her work. Highly recommended!"
"Working with Artem, a gifted classical pianist, on "Cups of Love" was a privilege. His skill in melding a beautiful melody with my lyrics, and his openness to adjustments, resulted in a perfect collaboration. Artem's ..."
"Ariana was excellent to work with! She is super talented and easygoing. She nailed the vocals and was open to feedback. She had a quick turnaround and excellent quality. I recommend her for any project! "