Dobro in Sonoma County
Tom “T Bone” Relling has been active on the San Francisco scene for over a decade, and has earned a reputation among Bay Area musicians for his masterful bottleneck slide guitar playing.
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I speak fluent spanish, music is my life. I have been writing since i was 16 singing and making beats since 18. I am currently still in school for audio engineering and will be fully developed soon. I learned how to mix with professionals at school. I am about to do mastering and much more soon enough. I'm taking private piano lessons to be pro.
Im Millaboi Ceo of Trashlife Productions Llc.
Producer, mixing and mastering
Sync Placement for Warner Chappell, Song reached #1 in NSAI top 40 song contest, Recognized by hit songwriters around Nashville
Violinist & Producer. Recorded albums for Chris Sharpe, Aurora, The Out_Circuit, Marissa Maharaj, Dearborn. Violin on Barcelona's album "Absolutes", Rosie Thomas "These Friends of Mine", Courtney Marie Andrews "No One's Slate is Clean". Performed violin live with Michael W Smith. Contributed violin for Macklemore's "Can't Hold Us" music video.
Another vision of audio mixing and mastering style.
Over 40 million streams as an artist, with a songwriting degree & various writer credits
Recent Successes
"As Always professional and timely. Goes above and beyond and the communication is outstanding, kind of like her singing! Highly recommended."
"Amazing experience!! To the give you a perspective, Larry responded within 5 minutes or less back and forth with new ideas over a 3 day period. I had a small idea going in but he really worked with me to make my proje..."
"Marc is not only a super talented engineer but he’s great to work with, quick to the reply, gives helpful advice, and works hard to meet your deadline. He asks all the right questions to really understand the artists ..."
"Stupendous guitarist, Fab H has a great vision and is a breath of fresh air to work with. Talented and a friendly individual. "
"Myah is great! She was able to take my demo song and provide clear feedback the song, including structure, melodies and lyrics. She'll be able to help you for sure!"
"massive drum sound, excellent work!"
"5 Stars - I'd give more stars if I could! Shaley Scott provides fantastic, energizing, skillful and awe-inspiring vocals, provides great communication throughout the process, and delivers in a timely manner. This is m..."
"Amazing as always! "