Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dinograve
Custom session cello recordings written and arranged specifically to your music. Specializing in underground styles such as extreme metal, neofolk, and beyond.
More providers:
Clubmastering is a 100% analog mastering studio specialized for vinyl and digital releases, our Set up is studied for groove oriented electronic music and electronic music, we work with a lot of labels and artists such: Religio records, Innatural records, Ivan Iacobucci.. we guarantee 100% analog signal path & mastering grade stuff
Nothings for free! You get the quality you pay for!
Specialising in topline writing for Dance (tropical house, deep house, chill house) indie, folk, pop, rock. I’m currently featured on playlists with over 1.5M likes, I have three more releases with labels like Soave and Sony Sweden.
I see sounds since i was little, i like composing new challenges every day, for me the world was made with music.
Looking to make your music come to life through speakers? Now you can.
Recording studio in São Paulo - Brasil. We work making beats, custom beats, music production, voice tuning, mix and master. We are specialized in street styles as; Trap, Boom Bap, Soul, RnB, Brazilian Funk.
Electronic music producer
I always strive to deliver in service of the music and the art. We can work together to level up your project with a unique production and the right mix, or complete your film with original composition that fits into the narrative arc. Previous work includes Tamino (Eng), Epsilon (Eng / Mix), Phobe (Prod / Eng / Mix), Over Her Shoulder (Comp / Mix)
Recent Successes
"Great results, fast turn around. Very good mastering done. "
"Ashley is a dream to work with!! This was our second project together. She is super talented, very responsive to feedback and communicates about every stage of the project. She wrote an awesome original song from star..."
"Kristoffer is a fantastic producer and visionary. I gave him what I had and he levelled it up. Super fast with great quality! You won’t regret hiring this guy!!"
"I gave him the song, along with notes on what I was looking for. He went off and brought back something that was both what I asked for and so much more. He is one of those players who delivers the melody, not ac..."
"Sefi continues to be an amazing partner in this project with great mixing skills, excellent communication and overall terrific outcome."
"Austin went above and beyond to make sure my track was properly taken care of. We had a rough start getting my project off the ground because of issues on my end. And he was incredibly patient through it all. Amazing ..."
"Amazing, Amazing multi-instrumentalist. Obidias was very attentive to my needs but also understood and delivered exactly what I was looking nucor on my project. His rates are great, and are actually a great deal cons..."
"Etienne did a great job on this piece. The track was demanding and was probably the hardest track we could work on! But his suggestions, once again, were able to take the track to a great atmosphere ! Thank’s to him..."
"What a MIX! Thanks for being part of this project Chad!"