Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dink
I'd like to think I'm an imaginative, and disciplined bass player. I work, record and perform regularly in the vibrant Sydney music scene. I have a number of significant accomplishments I can attest to, such as performing at the Sydney Opera House with my band, playing in orchestra's, and recording bass for released and unreleased EP's and singles.
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Top tier Mixing and Mastering services, focusing solely on R&B, Electronic and Rap music.
I am a Music Producer, Mixer, Audio Engineer, and Guitarist. I have a studio here in Los Angeles, that I have created all of my work for various projects both large and small for the last 14 years. I’ve been playing guitar for over 35 years both acoustic and electric, and have a wide range of influences from Rock, Country, Jazz, R&B, and Bluegrass.
Hi, I'm Jens, Bass player, MD, producer from the Netherlands. As a versatile, professional bass player I love to collaborate with talented/creative people to make great art. I'm working with various producers and musicians in different genres, to create bass parts with the right sound, feel and energy, serving the writer's vision and song.
Hi! My Name is Iajhi Hampden, and I am an Los Angeles based drummer with over 25 years of professional experience. Just recently completed a Christmas album for John Legend where I was fortunate enough to play on the entire album. I play most all styles, read and program. Looking forward to working with you!
Hey I'm Carrie :) I'm a versatile singer known for dynamic range, power, capturing emotion and storytelling. I do a lot of crossover. And specialize mostly in Pop, Rock and Musical Theatre. This fee is for demo use only. Additional fee for work -for-hire + commercial release. If you're inquiring about commercial release, please include song!
I provide bass tracks for your project. 4, 5 & 6 string bass guitars, Electric Upright, Synth Bass, Fretted & fretless. Plus Bongos, Cajon, Cowbells, Shakers. Recorded and performed with hundreds of top artists such as The Bee Gees, Tito Jackson, The Temptations, Englebert Humperdink, Eric Marienthal, Snake Davis, Rick Astley plus many many more.
Ousman Sowe, born on the 26th November is popularly known as Matkiz, he is a West African (The Gambia) musical artist, body builder, model, author, digital marketer, social media expert, and also an entrepreneur. He's the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Matkiz Worldwide Entertainment and Standard Worldwide Enterprise
I love to record drums to your track. Feel free to contact me..
Recent Successes
"Matt was not lying when he initially said he understood the vibe of my track. He worked along with me and was quick and really efficient in making sure to build on my original vision and not monopolize it. Would work ..."
"Arthur absolutely killed the mix, there's no other way to put it. Additionally, he was timely and easy to communicate with. I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking to make their song pop! "
"4th collaboration with Andrei, he’s been an integral part of getting the album ready for release in April - highly recommend anyone getting in touch with him as well to bring their ideas to life"
"Matt is just great!! This was my second time working with a sound engineer, and the first time solely online. But Matt is absolutely willing and capable of reading between the lines and to deliver the sound I describe..."
"Gabriel knows his stuff! He is quick, communicates very well and does excellent work - I highly recommend him and will use his services again."
"Blanco executed big time. What a professional! Great working with him, and can’t wait for the next project. Clever lyrics!"
"SÉB MONT can deliver some heat!! Super nice guy to work with overall. Communication was top notch! "
"Working with Eileen is a world-class experience in every way! She has an incredible, distinctive voice and amazing tone... but that's just the beginning. She has fantastic communication skills and makes the entire pro..."
"Great sounding vocal mix by Kristian!"