Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Devigan
Songwriter with 6 years of practical experience.
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Munich based music producer/remixer, and active in mixing/mastering processes. I´ve already remixed music for Tyga, Crooked I, Xzibit, Demrick, B-Real, Syles P, & many more. As i work together with several german music studios and producers i assure best quality results.
Specialize in mixing Psych Rock, Analog sounds, and tracks recorded on tape.
Love music, creating catchy tunes and beats
Fresh and Creative! The mix isn't finished until you're 100% satisfied!
I specialize in music production, mixing and mastering. I'll take your vision of your ideas and make them into reality. Let's go. I'm ready.
I have already mixed and mastered several Brazilian artists who have already won millions of visualizations.
Hey there. I am a British singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I am available to sing any of your songs. Feel free to message me for more details.
Cole Rogers is an experienced studio guitarist and performer, a Berklee Alumni, and has worked with Grammy award winning producers.
Recent Successes
"The producers and writers in The Songwriting Team are absolutely the best at creating hip hop music. I've worked with them for the past few years and it's been awesome! This year I booked an entire month at their stud..."
"Matty is an incredible mixer. He understands the subtleties of your music and works to create something that is really special. He takes real pride in his work and that is rare these days. "
"This is the second time I've worked with John. He mastered my latest album last year and did a splendid job! So, he was my first choice for my two new singles. He sent me two versions of each song to compare . This wa..."
"Always great working with Gerard. Great ear, very professional. Lots more to come!"
"Dude is cold. Period. Even if your set up isn't all that nice he will still transform your track from the bedroom to radio ready. "
"Adam's skill set is extremely diverse. It has been a pleasure working with him and I hope to continue into the next decade. John"
"ALOU really is the guy you want to work with! He takes a track to a whole new level, he is very responsive to new ideas, and very easy to communicate with. I definitely recommend! "
"Kate is a fantastic and talented vocalist. She knows what she's doing. I wished she was available when I first started my project. Highly recommend! I will work with her again, and she made my go-to list. "
"Great singer and easy to work with. She strives to give you what you need on lead and bgs"
"Bridget has been one of my favorite people to collaborate over the past 15 years. I'm so glad she's on SoundBetter. Her communication and talent are top tier and she, consistently over delivers!"