Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with mariamie
It's mariamie, versatile singer and exceptional songwriter, crafting unforgettable melodies and powerful lyrics. Whether you're in need of a captivating vocalist or a hit-making songwriter, I have the skills to bring your musical vision to life
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i combine production and programming skills with geeking out on literally every type of music (new and old), so I feel like I'm pretty open-minded and connected to what's happening in pop right now. i think that to make great music, you need to be having fun. i try to create the best vibe possible, then we just go with whatever we're inspired by!
A guy who makes beats.
Music released on Armada Music and Revealed Recordings, music played at major festivals like Tomorrowland, Ultra or EDC.
You can hear many of my songs on a daily basis on national and international radio stations. I play most instruments myself, which makes me able to work very fast. Have also written kids songs. Need something, please let me know, thanks!
Mix engineer with over 20 years professional experience working with both high profile and emerging artists.
I make strings more vivid, give words more clarity and make drums punch you in the chest
Meet the sound that will set you apart, and help creating both uplifting and soul-stirring tracks, bringing the wholesome groove. We specialize in blending genres and creating captivating sounds. Offering Live Tracking Sessions, Mixing & Mastering. Ready to elevate your music? Let's get started with your music for a distinct and commercial sound.
It's mariamie, versatile singer and exceptional songwriter, crafting unforgettable melodies and powerful lyrics. Whether you're in need of a captivating vocalist or a hit-making songwriter, I have the skills to bring your musical vision to life
Recent Successes
"I love so much his guitar and arrange."
"Very friendly and professional approach with a concern for quality and client satisfaction. Happy with the results after a single revision. "
"Amazing work as always. I’m literally surprised at how good he is! If you want a master done right, send it this way"
"Fast & very professional"
"Chris recorded some dry, dirty indie drums for me. Superfast turnaround, great tones, tons of choices, tons of character, sweet attention to detail. Not afraid to experiment and get creative. Def 5/5!"
"Elliot came in clutch with another crisp master!! Always my go to guy when it comes to mastering!"
"Betty was sensational to work with - understood the brief, communicated magnificently and looped you in to each step of her process for immediate feedback to keep the project moving. Have already reengaged her for ano..."