Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dev3ten/do or die
I will Make your song sound better then your favorite artist
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An all around record collector and unparalleled sound professional, Don Joe was born in the suburbs north of Milan and has been involved in music since 1990. Joe uses anything from 80s electro pop to rock, soul and traditional Italian music to develop his unique sound, that made him one of the most sought-after European Hip Hop producers.
I learned how to compose music before I learned how to use a microwave, and I was a fat kid, so that says a lot. Fast forward 10 years, and I'm a single father working dead end jobs, humming melodies at work, and trying to keep a family together. A month ago I quit my job, and started selling music, and I have never been happier.
European Music Producer, credited for 100 milion views & streams. I produced tracks featuring artists like: Mo-Man , Glasses Malone , Junior Reid , Crooked I , Drei Ros , DOC , Tranda , Nane , Vescan etc. I'm flexible on genres, so if you're looking for a fresh beat-r&b, pop, hip-hop, rap, country, trap, I'm your guy.
We offer our work as music producer. We are both graduated in conservatory, specifically in teaching music, applied music and jazz singing. We can create a complete production of vocal melody if required, with text attached. We also deal with acoustic or orchestral music for soundtracks and plays. We also have the opportunity to record.
Modeling waves of sound
I am recording and mixing engineer from Estonia, Tallinn. I have been working in this field already for 5 years. I experienced working with wide range of different music styles, rock, pop, jazz, blues and orchestral-classical music.
I'm a Singer/Songwriter, Composer and Arranger with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Music. I released an album in 2019, titled Brand New Day, and have performed live in venues across the UK and internationally since.
Music was always “my thing” growing up. When my brothers were asking for toys for Christmas, I asked for instruments. That eventually led me to my master’s degree on trumpet and touring on drums in a band for a couple of decades. I was then inspired to go to recording school, and now stand in awe of the talent I get to work with each day!
Recent Successes
"Arthur has a wonderful ear and knows how to cater to your requests excellently. Friendly, and knows how to bring out the best in your songs. Great value, quality work. Highly recommend."
"Great experience working with Kenny. Amazingly talented and did a great job with me on my song. Looking forward to more !!"
"Sefi Carmel is amazing, I so lucky made job with him so far,he always did surprise job for me, he also has high level profession skills,yes I'm looking forward working with him. "
"excellent job ... absolutely recommended ... "
"Great job, I'm very impressed and will continue to work with Ivan as he is an absolute legend!"
"He was friendly, open for feedback and willing to fulfill the task. I would work with him again."
"Multiple repeat customer here! Martin has become my go-to for string arrangements and recordings. Next level here, folks. "
"Daniel was fast, on time, communicative, a gentleman, and a full-on professional through and through. Not to mention, he is an AMAZING guitarist. I loved all of the material he gave me to choose from. Daniel's profile..."
"Recurring client of Beefy - and for a reason. Always on time; always great input and always dedicated to delivering the best, possible result to make you - the client - happy. Highly recommended!"