Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Derek Swink
Pianist with 30 years' experience, vocalist and producer with 15 years' experience. Three studio albums and one live EP released; LP "When Did You Get So Damn Scared" in 2023. 2020 Just Plain Folks first prize winner in the Modern Rock Song category. Music used in the ad campaign for Peter and the Starcatcher's original Broadway run.
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Checkout records I've worked on here - sptfy.com/4Fnp
With precision, expression, and warmth, Mandy can make your song unforgettable. From Pop. Disney, Musical Theatre, Children's music, AC, Country and beyond, she has incredible flexibility and control and a 3 octave range.She has performed for audiences all over the world in 22 countries total, including 80+ concerts with Philharmonic orchestras.
Kiara Lanier is a singer ,song writer, and producer from Chicago. Her voice is known for her roles on television shows to include Empire (Fox), The Chi (Showtime) and being a top finalist on American Idol. She's collaborated with artists to include Chance The Rapper, and performs for audiences ranging from Lollapalooza to President Obama.
With music being made all over the world Online mixing is the HOTTEST way to get YOUR TRACKS done It is now possible to hire a true professional Mix Engineer to mix your music and bring it to the next level. That’s where I STEP IN.
Music Composer and Producer for Movies, Commercials & Independent Music www.wahwahmusic.com www.dhruvghanekar.com
Need those beats mixed up? Need to have a song serenaded? Talk to me.
Session guitarist and mixing engineer from Charlotte, NC.
Mixing Engineer / Producer / Song-finisher from Berklee with years of experience in Pop, R&B and Trap. Ready to work with you to make your vision come true, and take your song to the next level, are you ready?
Recent Successes
"Yonni did a fantastic job on my song in a timely and efficient manner. He did it, exactly the way I envisioned my music to sound. Great work!"
"It was pleasure working with him. First of all, he is great at what he does. I asked him to make some edits, and then again asked him to undo those edits, and he had no issues. Highly recommended!!"
"Stephen produced great quality vocals and was very obliging with a couple of revisions requested. All work done within schedule. "
"Immaculate, as always. Austin is awesome! I love working with him."
"David is great to work with. His voice and improvisation really matched what I was looking for and we were on the same page thought the process. He really brought my track to life! Carl "
"Mikhail is AMAZING! He was so thoughtful and SO quick to provide feedback and tracks to me! He was also so patient and understanding when our project took longer than anticipated due to me getting sick. So thankful..."
"Brilliant ideas and fantastic performances. William & team really deliver each song with a passion that can't be matched by most studio performers!"