Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Deepest Bison
Musician looking to offer guitar and/or vocal services to any interesting projects, and to offer my own recorded music to any project that is interested.
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Grammy award-winning recording engineer specializing in studio/location recordings, mixing, editing and post production.
Quality Productions Mixing Mastering Studio, Piano and Keyboard Sessions Eros Ramazzotti & Laura Pausini ( over 50 million sales ) ,handling many aspects of the process of creating a finished product from beginning to end.
Worked professionally as a Singer/Songwriter in LA doing music for 10+ years. Wrote for many artists under Universal Music Group. Worked with artists like Common, Noah Neiman, Talin Silva, & Stevie Wonder. Written/sang songs for many Indie films in the film festival world. Guaranteed delivery of high quality audio/talent with fast turn around.
John Hall is a music producer and session drummer working in the TV sector for Sky, Universal and working closely with Phase Music. If you need acoustic drums on your record, then look no further. John is also an accomplished music producer and songwriter. His skills include music programming, mixing, and mastering to broadcasting standards.
I can produce any kind of beat for you, tailored to your specifications, inspired by any songs/artists of your choice, or even just a general vibe.your songs, or can have vocals in the beat itself. As a trained singer, I can sing a chorus for I can also mix/master it once you send me your vocals, so hmu and we can work it out!
"Louis Gentile is a composer, arranger, orchestrator of very high quality. He also works with great skill and knowledge in electronic music. ... I have found him to be a young man, who lives and works with high moral and professional standards".-Angelo Badalamenti
I am not a radio-tier mixing wizard, but I can get your songs sounding solid. I can also add some bells and whistles to your tune if you want.
I am a screamer and singer for any genre that could be considered heavy, from Deathcore to Emo I have you covered.
Recent Successes
"Austin is incredible. He's magic. It is even detail and kind."
"Kristian is a very talented musician with a real feel for capturing the heart of your music. He is easygoing and will work with you to make sure you get what you want. Great guy, great experience."
"This is second time to work with him. I am totally satisfied with his great work. High quality and fast delivery. I will definitely ask him for the other next time again!"
"Maisie has a beautiful voice. I would highly recommend her for your project. I had great communication throughout and some fantastic harmonies as well. "
"I really love the mix/master delivered by Direckt. Highly recommended"
"It's easy... If I got a song, and I need some final touch magic at the end of the production, I do as I most often do, I send it to Dexy! He has never let me down in anyway. Always delivery in high class!! He is a PRO!!!"
"Always a pleasure to work with! Tracks sound great!"
"My first time using Soundbetter was a huge success thanks to Alex!!! He made my beat so quickly I couldn’t believe it, and it sounds so perfect. Alex PGSV is the BEST! Can’t wait to work on another project with you ☺️"
"The project outcomes from my ongoing work with Jonathan continues to exceed my expectations. He's my go-to-guy for guitar-vocal basic demos, but he also has the skill set to create a full, radio-ready project."