Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Day of the Dead: https://a.co/d/3ucmK6S
* Consultation -1st consult free! * Narration; mine, other male or female voices, or yours * Editing * Mastering to industry specs; Audible, ACX, Author's Republic, Amazon * Any combination of services
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Jamgood Mastering caters to the needs of independent artists, producers and labels. We're fluent in all musical genres, and extend rates to satisfy indie and shrinking label budgets alike. Our aim is to add advantage in a competitive music marketplace by delivering a great sounding record for a price that doesn't burst your budget.
We are creatives, & are very keen in providing quality work.
Experience in operating, configuring, and setting-up a diverse range of complex professional sound reinforcement equipment, including most modern digital consoles, DSP, and line arrays. Experience multi-track recording using large-scale in-line consoles. Experience music producer, sound designer.
We-Double-L (WELL AFFLUENT) | WA Universal #WellAffluent #WAUniversal #WeDoubleL MUSIC - FASHION - DESIGN
melody creator
I'm a 15 year pro commercial composer/producer who has worked with all the major ad agencies around the world. I've written and produced music for major global brands including Disney, Google, Nike, IBM, McDonalds, M&Ms, Cadbury, NBC, FOX,Nickelodeon, NY Knicks, Mtn Dew, NASCAR, VW, Gillette, AT&T, Aflac, Nat Geo, Glade, KFC, and many more.
Copyist on LucasFilm Productions. My professional work has taken me through an incredible journey, ranging from copy work for Riot Games, orchestrating for a National Geographic series, and creating professional MIDI mockups for the RuPaul Franchise.
Here at Mad Sound Productions, we know everyone is different, and every artist is unique. This is why we take a tailored approach to your needs. Whether you're a solo artist looking for help to finish a single or a band looking to record a full-length album. We have the resources and expertise to help you achieve your goals.
Recent Successes
"Tom is amazing, great rock drummer, knows how to properly record his kit, good ideas, and fast turnaround. He is the highest rated drummer for a reason, he deserves it. His price is fair as well, he provides a reall..."
"Greg has a great ear and was very supportive in helping to get the initial mix right which then of course helps him to get the master sounding as good as it can be. He has a very personable approach yet is asserti..."
"fantastic person to deal with, very professional and precise. he also gave me a lot of take for his performance and always been very gentle. highly reccomended singer"
"He gives Excellent work every time and supper cool engineer to work with, he will give you exactly what your music needs to get you to the next level in this music industry., "
"Adam was very attentive to my request. He gave me honest feedback and did not hesitate to share his knowledge of the industry. My mastered track sounds fantastic. "
"Bruno is a fantastic player and added magic to the song he worked on! He was easy to work with, professional with great communication. 5 stars!"
"Elliot was amazing to work with. Very prompt, positive and professional and provided clear instructions. Would definitely recommend and will be working together in the future."
"Alex is a talented vocalist. Quick turnaround!"