Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dave Keller
Arthur Sadowsky is known as one of the best Electric Bassists, Composers & Arrangers on the NYC Jazz scene. Arthur loves performing, writing, and producing in all kinds of genres of music, including Pop and Rock. Arthur is a true multi-instrumentalist: he beautifully plays Violin and Acoustic Bass, Piano, and many others.
Award-nominated engineer with 3,000+ sq. ft. recording studio in Burlington, VT. Offering recording, mixing, mastering, using classic vintage and cutting edge modern techniques and technology to realize the full potential of your artistic vision
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Im a Father/Music Producer/Composer/Mixing Engineer/Artist/Creative Director/Fashionmonger/Entrepreneur
Raz is a music producer, songwriter, mix & audio engineer, programmer, and guitarist. Some of the names Raz has worked with includes "24 Hrs", "Pierre Bouvier (Simple Plan)", "Scotty Sure","Elton Castee", "Ally Barron (Malibu Surf)", "Jesaiah & Jaq Mackenzie(American Idol)" Latest shows include Lucifer, Shades of Blue, Insatiable, Shadow Hunters
Black Fire Audio is a multi faceted project based on love of everything audio. We focus on bringing the best quality audio to you in a professional and timely manner. Our goal is to branch out as much as possible and deliver what you envision to our final product.
Music producer from London. I make sure that the tracks I produce are 100% original and stand out from the rest.
Sound is the expression of the soul. Thanks to percussion we can give the right Groove to your songs, create the right sound for more emotional and engaging songs.
They call me 1-Take Tina.
Hi, I'm Giuseppe, a producer who might be right for you.
Recent Successes
"An excellent performer, Drew was able to completely translate my ideas into a perfect quality recording."
"I cannot say enough good things about Diego. He understood immediately what I wanted for my short film. The music he composed was artistic, perfect, subtle, not overbearing, highlighted the emotion in my film with a d..."
"Thank you Andres for the excellent job! Always making my music sound incredible! "
"Great vocals and very professional!"
"Ridiculous! You know that feeling when you hire someone and you're not sure you're gonna love everything about the results? It so subjective, how can they can get everything the way I want it, the first time? Well, wi..."
"He's always the best! Even when the scope and timeline of the project changes, his skill, focus, and collaboration are still at the highest possible level. "
"This was probably quite a difficult track to mix well, but I got back a great-sounding mix, just like what we want. Thank you!"
"Awesome person to work with! Would definitely work again. He gave great suggestions to improve the mix and the mastered product sounded amazing"