Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dátil
¿Have you ever thought that your songs lack a good mix or production? I'm here for you to make you sound like the best version of yourself. I have worked with some of the most innovative and creative musicians and producers in Mexico. I will not rest until your song sounds like what you dreamed of.
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Hello, my name is Nambo and I'm Producer/Mixer/Engineer/Songwriter. I Produce Pop and Electronic music and anything with a soul! I love challenges! Tell me about your project I would love to help. https://soundcloud.com/user-666358020
Fəqət səhvlərə gəldikdə, saytlar bir az daha çox fərqlənə bilər, bəzi saytlar rəqabət ehtimalı üzərində cəmləşə bilər - nəinki futbola gəldikdə, həm də xüsusi liqalarda və ya hadisələrdə.
A professional Guitarist and a Research Helper
Professional vocalist and songwriter with experience recording and performing in multiple styles including pop, r&b, gospel, jazz, musical theatre & rock.
My name is Jordan Spears, and I am a songwriter. I have written 24 songs since I was 11 years old. I also won a school songwriting competition two years in a row. All you have to do is tell me your topic & genre and I will be more than happy to help write some lyrics for your next song!
Best Afrobeat Music Producer.
Crea y cree.
Recent Successes
"Kramer is a passionate musician producer mastering engineer and all around creative force. Working with him was one of the highlights of my recent project. He’s enthusiastic, encouraging, and experienced, the triple E..."
"Perfect work ! So cool to work with a someone like Nate ! Nate is amazing ! "
"Emma was a pleasure to work with! Had no idea what to expect and she really came up with something great. Really excited to finalize this song"
"Cooper is the best in the industry! You know you're making a hit if you work with Cooper!!! Virtual sessions are also so much fun! You get studio results and also an awesome video of the session you can use for promo! "
"Another techno banger for the world Bram is just nails the task at hand every time! Perfect master right before Christmas Thanks again "
"Shelley was a pleasure to work with, Excellent communication, did everything I asked for and she has a really beautiful voice and unique sound. "
"Rob is absolut fantastic, easy to work with, professional and always deliver his best quick and precise. Thank you for a great result Rob!"
"Amazing work, thx so much man Gabrielgadb is really fast delivering the mix and takes a great care of the work quality. He has amazing aptitudes with mixing, mastering as well as production. "