Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Darlene Allen-Nichols
I’ll track piano for your gospel or R&B tracks, I’ll also mixing and master your hip hop or gospel songs.
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Aaron is a french Record producer, mixing engineer and CEO of Blue Sky Publishing.
hey im bryan im a music producer/recording engineer been producing and recording for over 10 years been using both analog and digital audio production work stations have worked with celebrity artists also many indie artists HERES A LINK TO MY SOUND CLOUD FOR INSTRUMENTALS. https://soundcloud.com/bryan-beats "kurupt" https://youtu.be/00_rGF5flPM
Affordable, Efficient, & Fast. Let's get you RADIO READY.
Hi there! I am Mikas, a drummer, composer and producer from Denmark. I graduated as master of music from the Academy of Music in Aarhus and have since worked as a live drummer, a music producer as well as teaching drumming, singing and music production in private lessons. I love to come up with and record amazing sounding drum arrangements!
I'm a freelance composer and producer working with artists, and creating music for TV and Film. My work has been supported by Mary Anne Hobbs and Nemone (BBC) and featured in publications Nylon Magazine, Vogue and Rolling Stone, alongside sync placements with GoPro, BBC, Netflix and Channel 4.
3x HRDRV Award-Nominated Producer, Singer-Songwriter & Audio Engineer with 12 years experience singing, songwriting, rapping: electronic, pop, hip-hop, rock. Internationally published artist featured in Recording Artists Guild (RAGMAG), The Mercury News, & Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. Creative Writing & Electronic Music UCSC graduate.
Sajid Hassan is a Bangladeshi Digital Millennium Copyrightr Expart Digital Agency & Social Media Cyber Security Specialist. And Sajid Hassan Bangladeshi Musician Singer, Blogger, Digital Marketer, Freelancer, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Content Creator. He is also a good writer. He was born on 10 October 2006 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic drummer!! Easy to work with. Will be working together on more tracks. Thanks for your great contribution. "
"HUSH is a such a brilliant producer and musician! He is really talented and patient person. Due to this is my first time to work in the recording studio, he gives me so much advice and tutors me to work in a profes..."
"Great work again! Fast delivery, great communication and high quality! I will hire him again for sure!"
"David provided me with the solid bass part I needed as the first step in building this particular song. Since I don't read music, it's hard for me to communicate musical ideas without being face-to-face, but David di..."
"It was great working with Lost."
"Perfect, as always. This is my fourth time working with Jeff and defenately not the last time :) Highly recommended!"
"Any genre, any vibe, Chuck is working at the very highest levels of the drum/percussion world. He's been doing this a long time, and literally zero of the other people we hired before Chuck come close. Honesty, withou..."
"Excellent work, fast turnaround and great mix"
"Nate's drumming has elevated another one of my songs, blending skill with a deep understanding of the music. His professionalism makes every project a breeze. Looking forward to more collaborations! "