Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dario Baldan Bembo
Drummer for Jeff Beck on his Grammy winning single Hammerhead. Actually drummer of The Spins, international indie supergroup (1M streamings of their lastest single Sunday Morning)
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I'm a keyboard/Piano player. My influences are mostly jazz, gospel, funk, and african grooves. I am developing my own unique style and and distinct sound.
Music composition Vocals Mixing and mastering
I am a musical artist that also produces and mix my own stuff and I've been doing music for 7 years, I am also a song writer.
We bring industry quality to independent artists at an unbeatable price.
Kiboko is a Kenyan music artist, record producer, singer, songwriter, radio host and voice actor.
Polished sounding mixes and mastering. Vocal Tuning, Balancing and Mastering
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1/3 of BORNE ALOFT - with releases on Maceo Plex's label - Ellum Audio. I provide professional mixing, mastering, sound design and music production services at very accessible prices.
Recent Successes
"I enjoy working with Anna. This song I send to her has a repetitiv structure with a lot of untypical rhythm changes inside. She picked them all out gave a very dynamic structure to the rhythm with a lot of dynamical c..."
"2nd time I worked with David and even better than 1st one. He got song's feel, played different takes all great and did it in a very timely manner. Very friendly and easy to communicate with. Can't imagine a better..."
"Somehow he just keeps sending me mixes that immediately sound good with barely anything needing to be changed at all. He offers a couple revisions with each song but you might not even need it. If you communicate how ..."
"I was great working with Ashely. Please don't think twice to work with her because you won't regret it. Very talent!"
"Thank you Silvrntz for your amazing work and dedication to what you do. You displayed excellent strategy! Looking forward to working with you again. "
"I contacted Jon because I particularly needed some help sound wise on a modern (neo-) classical song. Jon immediately told me his vision for the track and what would be need to accomplish that. I really appreciated th..."