Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Danny Fervent
I'm a Berlin based songwriter and producer. For more information please visit my homepage: www.hadlmusic.com
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Music Producer / Composer / Songwriter
15+ years industry experience...
I specialize in creating hot sauce - albeit the creation of it, or adding that special ingredient making your hot sauce really, really hot.
Sound, Vibration, Music, Art
Hello, My name is Surya and I am a recording artist. I have been doing vocals for the last 15 years I have the experience of singing/recording more then 1000 songs I own a recording studio so the quality of recordings will be top-notch and industry standard I can do almost any genre!
Berklee Degreed on Profesional Music (BGP). Multi-genre singer, vocal producer and songwriter with experience in studio sessions and almost 100 collabs through EDM, R&B, Soul, Jazz, classic, pop, experimental, very versatile.
productor musical, creador de ritmos, composicion, mezcla y mastering
I’m a songwriter with a passion for Hip Hop, R&B, and Pop. I strive to create catchy and memorable, and even provocative lyrics.
Recent Successes
"Absolute beast - plan to work on many future projects with him"
"Riley is definitely my go-to for exciting, emotional and dynamic masters! All the raves here are accurate and true and he’s just an overall great guy! 🙌🏽"
"Trevor continues to astound us. Finding the right person to bring ideas and demos to life the way you envisioned them is incredibly difficult. But Trevor does it for our songs time after time. He's great to work with,..."
"Brandon did an excellent job. His vocals are right on and the modifications and directions he took well and handled very professionally. I highly recommend him."
"Milana is an absolute master of her craft. Her acoustic piano interpretation of my guitar composition was spot on - the feel, the sound, the performance. Highly recommended."
"Eric was fantastic! It was a pleasure to work together. Very fast turnaround and great performance. I hope to do more together in the future."
"Fast, friendly, and a true expert. Always a great experience to work with Lino. "
"Michael is an incredible singer; we worked together in a project that required multiple layers of vocals and he delivered an amazing and varied performance in every single one! I am amazed at Michael’s professionalism..."
"High quality mix & master, delivered super fast"
"What can I possibly say that I haven't said a million times about working with Sara. It's a dream control and she is so amazing to work with on so many songs!!!"