Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dance of the Steelbars
I can create any symphonic orchestral accompaniment for your track / song, giving you that epic movie soundtrack feel, using state of the art studio samples. Or if needed I can arrange and create additional material to enhance any project, should you need. I'm also a professional clarinetist and pianist should you need live instruments.
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I will bring my experience of recording and touring with some of Country Music's finest to your project.....and serve your music with a humble, service-oriented attitude, and a smile!
I write the main title themes & songs for your short-film, podcast and sketch-comedy shows or online series!
Working audio engineer for over twelve years. Dedicated to helping artist achieve their vision and making the best sounding project possible.
A Recording Artist, released under Universal Music France. Numerous times charted on the Beatport chart. Released on compilation by Armada and supported by BBC Radio 1 & 6 as well as the biggest radio station in Macedonia Antenna 5.
I am a Brit award nominated and Billboard Dance Chart topping songwriter and vocalist! Recently scored a no.2 in the UK Official Singles top 40 chart with the song Go by Cat Burns which I co-wrote. I've amassed over 300 Million streams across songs I've written on Spotify alone. I would love to help you reach and exceed your creative vision.
-music producer, music mixing. -can make music for games or movies or advertising.
Precision Engineering in Country/ Indie Production. We specialize in remote production and have a huge network of session musicians and songwriters to ensure we give you everything you need to get the sound your music deserves.
Recent Successes
"Just received my mix that Steve mastered. Turned out Great! :) Can't wait to continue working with him. Always a pleasure! "
"Jared is really awesome to work with. He is communicative, hard-working, and brought so much life, warmth, and brightness to my music that was missing. He is extremely talented and highly trained as well. He worked un..."
"I really think Patrick swallowed a couple of chill pills for this session! He laid down some well thought out beautiful chord arrangements for my song. He has never failed to amaze me. He is very cooperative and pat..."
"Really happy with the results working with John, super professional"
"James is a really nice person to work with. We shared thoughts and ideas and this fulfilled my wishes I had for the track with a good result. I can give my warmest recommendation for James."
"The second time I worked with Killian Cruiser and the results are exceptional once again. Killian's ear for production, his ideas, and his ability to bring your tracks to life is superb. In addition, Killian is flexib..."
"Riley and I have been working together for years. I always know I’m going to get my song sounding the way I want it to. He is great at production, editing, voice modification, and effects. Being in studio with him has..."
"If you've ever had a track mixed and mastered and wondered why it sounded so quiet, dry, and lackluster, why it didn't sound anything like a lil baby or young thug song, its because you didn't work with Mosco! "