Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dammz
Versatile producer & mix engineer, based in the UK. Working in a variety of styles, but specialising in rap, hip-hop, trap and drill. 10+ years experience.
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Good day everyone. My name is Ilya and I have many years of doing music. Started as a drummer in different groups I came to electronic music. Now I'm interested in sound engineer, sound design and writing music. If you want to improve the sound of your tracks, add variety and effects or just need the drum part, I'll be happy to help you
Lead guitarist, producer and composer for One Room (South African house band)
Mastering engineer specialised in Electronic music.
An urban legend for those who are in the "industry know". It sounds better with FLAIRR.
Sound Designed Studios is offering remote mixing and mastering services with all audio services included. We offer an array of different services using a hybrid system consisting of world class analog equipment and some of the best plug-ins in the audio industry.
Versatile producer & mix engineer, based in the UK. Working in a variety of styles, but specialising in rap, hip-hop, trap and drill. 10+ years experience.
My voice can be described as Dreamy, High, Pure, Etheric, Sweet, Strong and is perfect for your atypical and creative projects : Electronic Music / Ambiant Music / Film Music / Video Game Music / Acoustic Music
Recent Successes
"Kaz is so great to work with every time. "
"Love this gig! Always amazing drums and great communication! Tom is very adaptable and he understands how to interpret the music in an incredible way! Recomended!"
"Working with Michael is one of the best musical experiences I ever had! This is the 6th song we were working on, in Hebrew and he nailed it! It was an amazing journey With patience humor and a very qualified ear ...."
"I had a great time working with Daramola. First he has written and sung awesome vocals, then we worked together an all details to get the project to the highest possible level. I can only recommend to chose him for yo..."
"I had worked with a bunch of producers and mix engineers before I came across Aditya, and I've stuck with him ever since! He's the best at what he does. He's produced and mixed/mastered my debut album, and another co..."
"Ian is a complete pro. We've had him master around 10 songs for us now and he's done the full mix & master on 3 and we will continue to use him going forward. We love what he does and how great he can make us sound!! ..."
"Great mastering, accurate, fast and easy "
"Sam has never let me down!!! 10 for 10 every song I sent him he absolutely nailed. Clean, articulate, musical, professional, And always full of character, His mixes are all that and more. Can't recommend his services ..."
"Cannot recommend this guy enough, he is so good! Very high quality, loud and clear master for an affordable price. He transformed my song and made it sound at least 20% better. At first I was worried because it wa..."