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DAKAR-FRANCE Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I work as audio engineer for various recording studios near Salerno and I do remote mixing/mastering/producing in my own studio. I also teach music technologies.
Get it all done in one stop.
deep voice
Session guitarist and bassist at your disposal. Can play different styles and genres. Just say it --> I'll play it.
Clean! Warm! Loud! Skilled in Hip Hop, Trap and Urban sound.
We remove the flaws with our editing and proofreading service and improve your document’s quality.
If you would like to add drive, feel and passion to your songs, let me record rhythmical instruments to it . I will upgrade your tracks playing with breathe, bringing life and taste to your music.
Willing to help you with your musical needs!
Recent Successes
"I have hired DeRock time and time again for a ton of different projects. He is super talented and super fast. I've had him mix things, engineer sessions, play on live gigs, and program/track software and live instrume..."
"Excellent as always, multi-talented musician that often does more than expected ! Love working with him and will certainly do it again in the near future "
"Austin did a super job! He made my track seem in harmony from begining to end, and elevated it to another level, making it sound radio ready! "
"It was great to work with Michal! She's delivered incredible vocals and it was a quick turnaround. Will definitely be working with her again in the future. "
"Gabriele was awesome to work with! Very communicative, fast and delivered very very well!"
"Eli did a wonderful job mixing and mastering my song. The way he mixed the vocal harmonies sounded amazing. Eli's communication was also professional and kind."
"It's an absolute pleasure working with Chase!"
"Incredible Sounding Drums! And a total professional and super cool guy to work with. Organized, fast and was patient in answering my questions also. Highly recommend Nate!!"