Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cutting Corners
Electronic music is my game, and underground and eclectic sound design is my specialty. I release music under several aliases. I produce, mix and master records for my label Fly Tree Records. Let's work on getting your songs produced, mixed, and remixed!
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I'm Brud Giles, a recording and mixing engineer with over 16 years of experience. I own and operate Fremont Recording in Portland, OR. since 2010. I take a balanced approach to mixing and always put the the song first. My favorite drummer is Ringo because he played for the song, likewise I mix for the song.
Cozy Project Studio Powered by A One Man Band with 20 years of Experience.. Your Going to LOVE the way it sounds..!
Want your songs to sound exciting and authentic? Send me your tracks and I’ll turn them into professional, heavy, impactful, yet organic sounding mixes! I can also help you get the whole (DIY-)production spot on, right from the start of the recording process, so you can make records that you, your audience and potential labels will love forever!
These arent just beats. These are conceptual ideas of sound with new school bounce Drums and leveling will always be met to industry standards. Let's put some pressure for the culture of music!
Law students are supposed to be boring. Not this one! I'm a third year law student at Emory in Atlanta. I've been writing music for 4 years now and have worked with singers and rappers from all over the world. I'm known for my ability to work FAST. I write heart-felt melodies. Bars hotter than a metal seatbelt in Arizona in July. And I work hard.
Stress-free and royalty-free remote recording !
You will get amazing sounding track out of my studio and you will receive a track for each mic i've used as well as a mixed drum track! You won't regret!
Recent Successes
"Austin knows what he is doing. Employ him with confidence. His work is worth every single penny. Take your work to another level and contact Austin immediately. Thanks, Austin!"
"Anna has done fantastic work for me on a demanding project. She's an excellent vocalist with a broad range and a strong grasp of style, and has been very communicative and helpful throughout, providing various options..."
"Excellent communication. Great work on the song. Couldn't ask for more. Thanks brother"
"Meghan was awesome, super talented and easy to work with!"
"Matthew killed it again! This was my second time working with him and he always delivers top-notch quality and makes my songs sound better than I imagined! "
"Young makes music that is magic. He understands my vision each time - no matter how varied the genre and idea may be each time. 5 stars hands down. "
"Working with Idan was a delight. He was always patient and willing to adapt to my own pace and took all my suggestions in stride. He is very knowledgeable and humble and I am glad to have had the chance to work with h..."
"Andres is a real pro when it comes to this stuff! The fact that you can get masters of this quality for this price is mind blowing! The Mix Coaching is such a great service too. And it's completely free! There's no do..."
"Robbie is a super talented singer-songwriter and his voice is just perfect. He totally brings my music to the next level. I am impressed by his ingenuity, professionalism and dedication. He is one of the best artists ..."
"Very enthusiast, genuine and promising artist. "
"Phil adds a layer of of sound that is indispensable to the entire piece."