Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cuerpo
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Yo no hago lo que los demás hacen, no sigo los patrones puestos por la sociedad, hago lo que me de la gana y lo que me pida el cuerpo
Creador de ambientes musicales fiesteros, callejeros, nítidos y con una cadencia que pone a mover la cabeza o en su defecto el cuerpo entero. Fundé un sello discográfico independiente y me gusta fichar artistas.
Soy un artista inovador que crea experiencias auditivas mediante los sonidos del sexo, el porno y el amor. Una vez escuches de lo que soy capaz es muy probable que quedes atrapado y no puedas dejar de escuchar a DjMeGusta y la musica que crea a partir de videos porno y clips sexuales totalmente gratuitos!
En esta web encontrarás todo sobre el crossfit, uno de los aspectos más importantes en lo concerniente a equipamiento que no te puede faltar son unas buenas calleras. Descubre en este artículo cómo elegir calleras, cual es la talla de calleras que te corresponde e incluso cómo usar calleras, que no es tan sencillo como pueda parecer.
Mexican musician, guitar player, singer and producer specialized on Metal, Rock, Pop and Soundtracks
Musico, Escritor, Profesor de música y terapias musicales. Soy amante de el cultivo de la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu y esto se ve reflejado en mi música.
With over 3 million plays on streaming, I am experienced in every step of the song creation process--from the writing and performance, to the recording and post-production. I have been an active multi-instrumental musician and producer for over 16 years, so no matter what it is you need, we have the knowledge, experience and credibility to deliver.
Recent Successes
"Rudiger is very professional in his work and very reactive. The voice performance is quality. Good experience."
"Great experience working with Ziv! Had everything back the same day. Extraordinary! A++"
"Second production... and its perfect! very creative and delivers results above and beyond your vision. Also I need to mention how helpful he is! I really appreciate him! He is THE man!"
"Its all amazing to work with Kyle again my go to groove master as always never fails to delevier even complex drum grooves and percussion, He put the glue in the bottom end with tasty fills. Great work "
"Had yet another song mixed and mastered by Sefi..My go to guy for reliable quality work. "
"Shelley is always fun and awesome to work with. Her vocals and melodies and lyrics are always perfect and original. Always look forward to sending my songs off to her. What I get back is always top notch. "
"With either electric guitars or bass, Ziv does wonderful work, and is on many, many of my songs now. I always appreciate his quick response!"