Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Crowbar - The Serpent Only Lies
OCD Recording and Production is a full-service Recording Studio and Production Company owned and operated by Duane Simoneaux. Specializing in heavier bands, we also mix and master all types of music. Big drums, thick guitars, high end vocals, and industry standard levels are what we strive for.
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25+ year touring and recording drummer with recording label credits including Universal, Epitaph, Vagrant, among many others, including work in commercials. If all you want is a solid time keeper who hits the drums correctly, I'm your guy.
Musical prodigy Titus Aries Smith professionally known as "MISTRO TS" (Pronounced: My·Strow-Tee·Es) is an American Music Producer, DJ, and Musician. He is a newcomer in the Electronic Music scene, already amassing 350K+ streams worldwide he has built an original & notable sound around uplifting jazz chords and house-style beats.
I work in a studio with various genres of live music. The largest number of artists I've worked with play in the hard rock and metal genres, although I love a variety of music and would love to go beyond the usual boundaries
I'm a 25 yo producer from Austria, feeling home in modern Pop, Latin but also do rap and classic Genres. I am experienced in beatmaking but also can help you to improve your song in sound quality and also spice it up with new ideas and approaches. I have worked together with Lauv's audio engineers and also was the beatmaker in all of my songs.
Professional full Analog Gear Studio and Record Label
Get a professional top line performance for your track! I work at The Kitchen Studios in Dallas, which has recorded the likes of Erykah Badu, Wiz Khalifa, and others. I have experience tracking vocals with the highest quality gear, and I can guarantee a sonically professional product!
Ich bin dyma020, Rapper aus Graz, Österreich, Meine erste Single hat auf Spotify mittlerweile über 150.000 Streams. ich rappe seit 6 Jahren und veröffentliche meine Songs seit knapp 2 Jahren auf allen Plattformen.
Mixing various genres ranging from Pop, Hip-Hop, Funk, Blues, Country, specializing in Rock and Metal music.
Recent Successes
"Igor helped me on some drums arrangement and he is nothing but quality! Efficient and adhere to deadlines! "
"the master go harddd "
"This is my first working experience with Kimera... what to say, simply a fantastic performance, perfect harmonizations in very fast delivery times! A great professional, I can't wait to get back to working with her."
"Nacor is the best engineer I've worked with to date. First and foremost, his mix and master capability is so good. My song sounds so clean I can't get enough of it, cleanest song on my discography (Seruksessions - Mam..."
"It's not the first time we contacted Nikos to record violin and viola for one project of ours. Honestly each time is unique. He is our favorite musician. He not only records too many tracks but also gives us mixing ad..."
"Josh did a great job on this vocal for me. Great vocal control and tone for this country rock song!"
"Emotional toplines, very good performer. Recommended! We'll work again soon."