Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Connor Fiehler
My name is Sam Blizzard and I am a professional pianist, keyboardist, composer, arranger, music contractor, and music director based in Nashville, TN.
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Currently a student at Ex'pression College of Digital Arts. I will be graduating with a Bachelor's of Applied Sciences in May 2016. Versed in ProTools as well as Logic Pro X
Over 15 years experience mixing and mastering music. Most importantly, I’m a MUSICIAN and an artist naturally blessed with both EAR and taste.
Award-winning singer and songwriter, credits with multi-platinum and Grammy winning artists. Specializing in delivering lead vocals and harmonies, as well as unique melodies and lyrical poetry in a broad range of styles. I would love to hear about your project and make something truly magical.
I am a Manchester based Music Production graduate from Leeds College of Music. I am experienced in mixing Singer/Songwriter band arrangements and Hip-Hop both to a 2track or fully tracked out session. I specialise in a strong, upfront vocal sound and creating depth in the mix. I am currently offering low rates to build up my profile and portfolio.
Think out of the box and puchback the limits. I like to merge different music styles to create my own one; each project is unique and music should enhance the showing feelings.
My lifelong passion of Music & Film inspired me to develop professional skills in the art of Multi-Media production.
I deal with infinite mix
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Recent Successes
"Mickey is super talented, I needed a hook for and she delivered very fast and she put life in a song, I'm so glad I got to work with her now a song is so going on radio airwaves, thanks to Mickey and Soundbetter."
"Heather has a very unique and special voice and fit my song perfectly! I enjoyed the process with her, she takes great pride with the details! Good communication and receptive to input and feedback which made for a tr..."
"Second time working with this man and he does not disappoint with vocal tuning, effects, and getting the feeling out of a song as you can imagine it even with no references involved. To mentioned that the speed of his..."
"Daniel is a master in his craft. He performed a last minute rhythm guitar session for my song and it fit perfectly on one take. Thank you! More to come!"
"Isabel is a wonderful cellist and very easy to work with! I have also worked with her recently in another project we were all very happy with. This time she delivered another most beautiful cello part, that she compo..."