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Cody Rd Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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session saxophonist/clarinetist. solo tracks or woodwind section. composer, arranger, music producer and a Teacher. won competitions with my compositions - TheAkademia August 2015,the14 annual independent music award, Great American song 2014, global music award USA 2015.
Hello! I'm Zack and I currently run a home studio. I'm in the process of trying to grow and hopefully end up doing this as a full time job. Wouldn't that be great.
High quality recording, mixing & mastering services at affordable prices.
Award winning Musician (Drums & Keys) | Audio Engineer (Music & Post) | Music Producer/Director With experience in both music and post, I bring a unique blend of technical skills and creativity to each and every project. Send me a message so that we can discuss how I can Hydrate your next project.
I'm a experienced Classical and Tango Violinist from Argentina. I would like to help you to create the recording that you are thinking.
Find your sound with flyCOOPER!
Recording, mixing and creating sounds for almost 25 years for music and film/broadcast. I work on many styles of music as a fan of many genres. I'm always up for a challenge and willing to go the distance to make each song sound its best.
Hip-Hop, Rap, Trap, Drill, Latin/Reggaetón and R&B. Jaydobeatzz offers Stereo/5.1/7.1/ Dolby Atmos/Spatial Mixing, as well as mixing, mastering, and post production for music. Album covers and Apple Motion cover creation also available. Certified Apple Digital Master file encoder and mastering engineer.
Recent Successes
"Jason has def proven to be a superb drummer that will nail exactly what u r looking for. His professionalism, fast turn-around rate, and excellent communication makes me highly recommend him! cant wait to use him again. "
"John was simply wonderful. He mixed/mastered our first single as PWR CPL "Alone in the Same Room." A master, he could charge a lot more for his services but he's passionate about helping Indie Artists and knows that w..."
"A true artist in the mist of releasing his own incredible project he still manage to make time for mine .....great attitude!! "
"Huge thanks to Mella, attentive, professional and talented singer. Could not be better. Will be working together on many other songs in future. Boris Rybak "
"Exelent! Did a great job with the mix and master love how it sounds!❤"
"Ziv belongs in the category of best living guitarist. Like the fact that this kind of talent is available and willing to work on my tunes was truly mind blowing to me. I am humbled and honored. The talent, instincts, ..."
"Lance is a top guy in every way. Communication, musicality, keeps deadlines and one of the very best mixers around. And he doesn´t let his ego get in the way of your vision. It’s all about your music and bringing the ..."