Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Clara Franz
Recording credits with Jaden Smith, over 20m+ lifetime streams.
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Hi, I’m Jason. I’m a music producer and audio engineer. I create, record, edit, mix and master audio. Most of the time I'm working with singers and musicians, but I also record voice-overs for audiobooks and commercials. I am a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with a degree in Recording Arts from Full Sail University. I am a certified
I'm a Mixing Engineer with extensive experience of different genres, ranging from Pop, Acoustic, Bands to Electronic music. I want to make your vision of the song come to life!
I produce electronic music of all kinds mainly chill music.
Audio Mastering for Indie Productions at the right price. Quick turn-around time. Get your final mix to the final level ready for release. Do you ever wonder why your great sounding mix sounds great on your earphones or on your home studio monitors but sounds funny on other people's audio system? You need Audio Mastering to get your sound aligned.
My voice is not my own
beverly hills 424
Profesional Guitarist with more than 15 years in music industry. Strong versatility. www.albertformatger.com
hello,i'm a songwriter 40 years of experience ,i can write any kind of pop rock and funk music. I've got the french touch that can make the difference
Recent Successes
"wow..super impressed with Chad. Delivered a quality mix, was super professional and very patient and responsive to all of my notes"
"Mount exceeded my expectations and got me a lot of good feedback from the track he mastered. I highly recommend him"
"Vesislava made huge contributions to the songs with incredible arrangements and I can not thank her enough for putting such effort into this. The results widely exceeded my expectations! She is a true professional ..."
"Alex is a rock legend.with a voice that would suit any genre under the umbrella or rock/ pop. His attitude and willingness to mutually learn and collaborate is a great addition to his blazing hot pipes. Hit him with a..."
"Very professional, skilled, and wonderful to work with. Chris is enthusiastic and passionate about creating great music. I lost count of the number of songs Chris produced for me, each receiving positive feedback from..."
"Great producer "
"Patrick is so talented it's hard to put in words, but something that few musicians have is a real work ethic. Pat really sticks to deadlines and is always pushing to get your work done so you dont have to wait. He's..."