Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ciudavitecos
Guillermo Andrés Ogalde Glúzman, better known as Goy (sometimes Guille or Goy Karamelo) is a singer, DJ, composer, instrumentalist, engineer, plastic artist, poet, writer and producer. Argentine musical with more than 400 albums. He is also the operator and ideologue of the Kangrejoz Records label. Premio Gardel 2023 & Cultural Embassy of Mendoza.
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I've been producing for 18 years, since I was 7 years old. I mix old school hip hop and jazz with modern pop/trap to offer a unique twist to today's popular music. I also do purely modern digital work in the pop/trap area.
Singer/songwriter with millions of streams. Released on Revealed, Spinnin', Sony, Universal, Soave, Loudkult, worked with many artists and labels. I write lyrics, toplines & record vocals over your productions. I will make your song ready for the perfect release!
I'm a music producer/writer that has worked with Drake, Omarion, Futuristic, NF, Witt Lowry, etc.
Singer songwriter/lyricist
A lot of people would describe my voice as soft and dreamy. I love to take people on a journey through love, passion and good vibes.
I'm Federico from Argentina. I'm an experienced drummer, been playing for over 20 years, and beginner sound engineer and music producer.
Welceome - my name is Nikola and I am professional drummer with 20 years experience perfecting my craft behind the drums and with around 6 years of experience in the studio business!
JC Physics Tuition
Recent Successes
"Pete has done a great job arranging the strings fro my new album, really sensitive and moving string arrangements! Additionally has been easy to communicate with and provided highly professional scores and instrumenta..."
"excellent professionalism, quality, and service! worked with him again and was just as satisfied as the first time! "
"Nice guys with alternative ideas, yes multiple alternative ideas! Patient and quick! Grateful to have you guys on the cover and canvas!"
"Once again, Matt has overdelivered and made my song sound even better than I had hoped for. He has this uncanny knack of actually understanding vague instructions given to him by us musicians, then decrypting and ..."
"Amazing vocals, super happy how the track turned out, he absolutely killed it. Would love to work with R again in the future."
"Giovanni composed the music for some lyrics I wrote. I listened to his previous works, so I had an idea of what to expect. But Giovanni exceeded my expactactions and brought the song to a completely new level. In addi..."
"Eden has a great talent for not only singing, she also plays guitar and piano. She is a very talented singer-songwriter. She has a great attitude and has been a pleasure to work with. I recommend her highly."
"Marcos really know what exactly the feeling and atmosphere of my track and he absolutely developed that with the orchestra into another kind of level!Will reach back again and again when I have more new works!5 stars ..."