Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cico&mamaAfrika
I'm a musician and producer. I play electric bass, upright bass, saxophone, synth and guitar I love play everything has groove
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My name is Val, I'm a Juilliard trained musician. I'm pianist,composer and singer-songwriter. I do piano sessions where I songwriter and compose piano tracks to take your songs to the next level of creativity.
Rian "8track" Williams, produced for 50Cent; specializing in music production
I'm here to unlock the full potential of your music; radio ready or not, here I come.
Helping creatives deconstruct and create solutions to their creative questions.
Music Enthusiast
I'm a songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist specializing in rock and pop music. Two time Boston Music Award nominee. I love creating songs that are genre-bending, ones that break the mold but are still fun and catchy.
★ Singer, composer and live performer ★ Martina is a skilled and versatile vocalist with a soulful voice! She studied with X Factor Italy vocal coach. With 10 years + performing experience, she works with artists and producers all over the world and gives voice to the musical compositions of her clients.
Recent Successes
"Dealing with such a great musician/engineer as Nicola has been a pleasure. I hope to work with him again."
"Make no mistake, that guy is a ROCK STAR :D Really great experience, Luke has a great energy and it sounds!"
"I knew what I wanted and wanted it right now but it didn't happen that way. I was taught a valuable lesson. Good things come to those who wait. I have what I want and I'm very satisfied. Thank you Beto!"
"Can’t explain how easy it is to work with echo beats. Each mix gets better and better. With his creativity and a little input from myself, we make magic."
"Roy delivered timely and listened to every detail I said. I am very satisfied with the final song. Thank you thank you. "
"Always above and beyond all expectations with Ziv, truly a 5 starr gem of a human and a fantastic guitar player!"
"kenny is the best!! could not be happier with him or his work"
"Scott did an exceptional job that was delivered fast despite the challenge of dealing with a project file full of plugins that no longer even exist. I would highly recommend if you want the job done to perfection fro..."
"Andrei has great talent in producing, mixing, and mastering! He’s really passionate, patient, and quick. It was such a grateful time to work with him once again. "