Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Christopher Hari
Transforming Your Sonic Visions into Reality with Expert Music Production, Mixing, and Mastering Magic
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We can elevate your music and video! We offer a wide range services from music production to custom music scoring.
Dominican Producer/Dj/composer Eddy González and the band Mamajuana was 2001 Best Dominican New Artist, nominated to 2002 Premios Lo Nuestro Univision for Best Tropical Group and Pre-nominated to 2004 Grammy awards as Best Urban album for their second release "For Sale".
Sannivsmiikka miikka music
Classic top-Quality sound, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, also Producer and Ghost Producer.
unique specialization
Dressed in aesthetism that only classical music could offer, the core of this expert composer encompasses immense sources of intelligence. Often described as a 'magician of chord progression', Osamu weaves storytelling by rigid choice of keys and harmonies in jazz, classical and modern EDM forms.
Manny Quiñones Mixer Arrannger Guitar player
Specializing in crafting balanced and genre-appropriate mixes, I bring a unique touch by tapping into human emotion. With a proven track record working live with acclaimed artists like Jidenna, Slow Pulp, and Donald Lawrence, I possess the expertise to breathe life into your art.
Recent Successes
"One of the very best to work with! Great studio too"
"WoW!!! Pretty impressive job, and I mean it! PG Lomba knows his craft and has full theory! I'm always awestruck by his work!"
"Like always working with Austin is great! Thanks!"
"Another great experience working with Dan. Very happy with what we accomplished together!"
"Absolutely amazing one of my favorite singers I will definitely love to do more work with her "
"Positive, educational and fun. This is my experiences with Ezel."
"Fred continues to deliver AWESOME MASTERS!!! We wouldn't recommend ANYONE else as we've worked with quite a few who did not deliver such great results consistently. No matter what type of project you have, or vision ..."
"Second job accomplished with Olivier, just perfect, I can't recommend him enough! If you need guitars look no further, 10 stars!"
"Played drums to expectation and although I did not have a time requirement it was fulfilled within his time frame for the project to be completed or in other words dependable and responsible. He made it very easy to ..."
"Always a pleasure working with Rob which is why I keep coming back! I highly recommend him, he always pushes my tracks to the best possible level they can be. "