Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chris Lattimore
There is a music artist out there who is tired of not having affordable production/mixing/mastering and a transparent individual doing all 3 for them.
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$10 MP3 lease, $25 Wav + MP3 Lease & $40 Unlimited lease (MP3, WAV and Unlimited streaming rights) BUY 1 GET 3 FREE
I'm A the Writer - your personal ghost lyricist specialized in compelling lyrics.
I can lay down vocals and write lyrics in Hindi and English, help compose or finish a top line melody / song composition, record lush harmonies and acoustic guitar, do a clean and radio-ready mix & master!
If you want killer bass tone that settles right into the mix, pocket for days, and tastefully composed bass lines that lock in with the groove and complement every element of your song's arrangement, look no further!
5 years on music market
Professional quality mixing, mastering, and podcast editing.
Song Mixes delivered in 24 hours, guaranteed. Feel the rush without the rush fees and make moves with next-day turnarounds. Put your flowstate into forward motion ASAP, by sharing your dialogue, musical or song ideas with a professional polish fresh out of the session! The 24 Hour Mix+Master team is at Your service
Collaborative Producer. Need help finishing a chorus, arrangement, a beat etc? Im here to assist you in finding your the truest expression of those songs stuck in your head.
Recent Successes
"Taylor is by far the best I've worked with. Great quick and efficient communication. "
"Very pleased with Elliot's work. The master sounds amazing. Very professional and communication was flawless. Will definitely work with him again. Top engineer and person."
"Love to work with Trove, good communication and a beautiful voice :)"
"Jennifer is super professional, very accomodating and generous with the materials she is delivering. I highly recommend her whatever you have English or Italian lyrics if you are looking for a warm and emotional voice"
"Once again she did everything I was looking for with her beautiful voice! Highly recommended!!"
"Excellent Cellist! I will be coming back for more work from him. 10/10"
"Stefano was a joy to work with! Always super responsive, and would always understand exactly what I wanted to do with my song! Stefano is super creative and is the type of person you should work with if you want to cr..."
"Brittany is always a pleasure to work with. I’ll choose her every time. She is great at writing lyrics and coming up with Melodie’s for any kind of project."