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Chozi Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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singer/songwriter and top line writer!
Sportovní sázení je v ČR velice oblíbené a zájem o něj neustále roste. Z toho důvodu také přibývají další a další sázkové kanceláře, které se pokouší vnést na trh něco nového. Ohlédneme-li se zpět v čase, pak zjistíme, že zde máme několik sázkových kanceláří, jejichž existence na trhu přesahuje 20letou praxi.
Hello, I'm a music producer,composer and i've recently started producing music. I usually make dance music ,pop and music inspired by the 80s.
Progressive and creative songwriter that brings lyrics to life visually. Utiliziing dynamic vocals and captivating harmonies.
Welcome to my Recording Studio. SLTRS is working with the like of Matt Bissonette (Elton John), Gregg Bissonette (Ringo Starr), and more... Friendly staff, easy to work with, patient, and dedicated to your project. SLT Recording Studio is a one stop studio where your project comes to life with the highest standards.
Through my music I get my chance to get my thoughts, feelings, emotions...OUT there. I'm a strong individual. Took some time to realize my potential and the capability of my strength but nonetheless I'm here now. These songs are the key to my heart and soul. All written by me, they are a direct link to events/circumstances I have personally exp
After creating beautiful and clean soundscapes for myself for over a decade, I decided that it was time to help others do the same. Your hearing is precious, so let's spoil your ears and those of your listeners with the cleanest mix and captivating melodies.
Recent Successes
"Francois took a song my band loved and made it sound even better. We were all very happy with the result and hope to work with him and his incredible talent again!"
"Saved my life before.Prolly going to save it again. Best choice so far. "
"Vesislava is an excellent cellist. She plays with great musicality and has excellent tone. Vesislava made cello parts that fit the song perfectly. She’s a great communicator and overall great to work with. I would hig..."
"Josiah is a real artist in composing sonic landscapes. He also is attentive to trying different ideas and deciphering what sound you are looking for. I was very happy with the warm sound he was able to create for me a..."
"Shaley Scott has a great and versatile voice! She intuitively interpreted nuances of my brief into her vocals as if I had directed her in person in a studio, and delivered great results in a high quality format. S..."
"Amazing voice as usual, very professional, attention to detail and fast delivery. Can't wait to work on the next projects with her! "
"Incredible. The Master!!! Don’t go anywhere else!!"
"The amazing Brandon Meeks strikes again. Great vibes, great energy. Looking forward to next one. "