Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chili Piper
Use music to sell high ticket services and enterprise software. I write music and produce content for B2B SaaS companies. As a former top performing account executive, I've actually sold before which allows me to approach music content in a novel way that aligns to value props and customer pain. Millions of organic LinkedIn views per year.
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Where analog and digital recording co-exist at an extremely affordable rate. And where multimedia audio gets the professional attention it deserves. Itchy Brain Recording where your Audio is as important to us as it to you.
Hi! I am Zofft, I have been producing, mixing, mastering and remixing music for three years now. I have made 20 songs and I have collaborated with other musicians via remixes. I master on a regular basis being my preferences: EDM, Dubstep, HipHop, Trap, Rock, Heavy. For an affordable price I can take your ideas or production to the next level.
Here and ready to do the work! Lets Create timeless music!!
An award winning complete package music production centre with Dan at the helm, who's expertise, creativity and musicality has produced a lifetime of incredible artists and talented songwriters. Multi-genre skills in an array of instruments and mixing styles make Guitarra Music Studios the one stop shop for all of your production needs.
I'm Todd Michael Ellis. I'm a ten year veteran of the music industry. I've had my ups and downs. Currently on a pretty steep upward trajectory. Would love to sing your song, or produce your record. I am a writer and a reader. I have a great vocabulary and a great voice. If you want to work with me, please reach out. I currently have blue/red hair.
I will mix and master your song at radio quality!
Hi, I am Divya Panchal a songwriter. I am working as a composer and lyricist since 6years. I only compose or write Hindi songs. You may check my work over Youtube by searching "Divya Panchal" and you will find few of my songs name as following: Aadhi Raat, Na Jana, Tanhiyaan, Bekhof, Kuch Lafz, Pyar Kiya Karein, Fanaah, Yeh Raat, etc.
Recent Successes
"Ferdinando was one of the easiest persons to work with. He works with absolute professionalism and has a quick turn around time. He completed the project before the delivery date and gave amazing results. He is one of..."
"Delivered sooner than expected, very professional when i wanted a revision & i got what i was looking for."
"Was fantastic to work with Myah, she is a star and her lyrics and vocal performance on our project were stunning. Can't say enough good things about her - she is very professional, incredibly talented, delivers on wha..."
"Working with Quincy was absolute fun and pleasure. He magically felt the vibe of the the track and got back with excellent ideas. Definitely will work again!"
"Carlos was very professional from start to finish. He was always available to talk and very eager to do the project exactly how we wanted it, without refraining from giving us his feedback and personal opinion. Will d..."
"My boy Lex made it! Again! Great communication and fast turnaround! True pro artist to work with!"
"Corey continues to provide high quality performances which accurately reflect the vision of the project! I look forward to collaborating with him on future projects! "
"Creative genius! rare combination of exceptional songwriting ability paired with a stunning voice. I don't think Favia sleeps; it's like she's working 24/7 to finish the song to perfection. A consummate pro and futu..."