Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chic)
I made productions for La Bouche and No Mercy, Gloria Gaynor, Jocelyn Brown (Incognito, Chic), Niki Haris (Madonna), Jessie Wagner (Lenny Kravitz, Duran Duran), Tania Evans (Culture Beat), Sabrina Johnston, Spike, Deskee and many more.
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Sello de Grabacion Independiente desde 2011 Estudio de grabación. Producción Musical, Grabación, Mezcla. Producción de Audio Publicitario Post produccion de Audio Asesoria de Montaje, Prensa, y difusion de medios de distribucion digitales y Fisicos (CD y DVD) Diseño Gráfico discográfico, Fotografia y Litografia. Sonido en Vivo.
Experienced Recording and Mix Engineer for studio, Live and Broadcast. We want to bring the best out of your musical creation. We operate with integrity, professionalism, drug free and a fresh sonic perspective. **MORE SAMPLES OF OUR WORK ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST***
Hello Creators! My name is Joy and I am a seasoned producer/songwriter. My work has been heard on globally on several major TV networks. Currently, I am writing and producing for several new an upcoming artists in the Los Angeles area. My goal is to create a long lasting relationships and create music you feel expresses your heart. Lets work!
Electronic Music Producer with several Beatport Top 10 Hits. 25 years of experience in production, mixing and mastering. Current projects: "Heerhorst" and "Fukkk Offf"
Impeccable mixing & mastering, amazing beats, great lyrics, I have all of the above. Interested in helping bring out your best sound :)
Bajista de Profesión
Hi, I am a songwriter ! I propose you to write your next songs. I am a romantic by nature so I can write all types of love songs (but not only) in English or in French ! I am a good listener and ready to put a song behind all your ideas !
After years of training and being mentored from some of the best engineers worlwide i'm here to help artists and producers to get the right final sound for their music.
Recent Successes
"It´s always a great pleasure to work with Rafael together. His ideas are unbelievable, his creativity is explosive and his tracks are absolutely professional. He´s extremely talented and I´m sure that I´ll love to wor..."
"Chad is the best! His mix and mastering skills are second to none!"
"a true pro and patient with every detail to get exactly what I want. such a pleasure to work with and such superb quality. "
"YOU ARE THE BEST! Jeff made the music SHINE. He understood and interpreted the music so well. Friendly and fast response is also a big plus. Looking forward for future projects already."
"Eileen exceeded my expectations! Really professional service and gave me a chance to be a part of the delivery the whole way. I did give her what I believe is, a pretty hard and messy request- but she understood ..."
"Angelica has recorded absolute stunning vocals, helping to take the song to new and far reaching levels.. Sent over various harmonies, takes & ad-libs all in the time frame promised. Over the moon with everything and ..."
"It’s always a pleasure to work with Elliot. Two great sounding songs done and many more to come! Elliot’s politeness, technical skill, and communication make the experience a cut above. "
"Had 2 songs Mastered by Kato. As always, they turned out fantastic! I won't use anybody else to Master my songs. Check out the Harmonie Mastering website. You will be very impressed! "
"Matt just finished mixing and mastering a 100+ track song of mine and he absolutely crushed it! He nailed the mix and I couldn’t be happier. Whether it’s through headphones, a laptop, a phone, in the car, Matt’s work ..."