Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chaz Shepherd
Atlanta -based trained and versatile vocalist.
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Dedicated, efficient, strives for excellence
Andrew W. has worked on many projects supported by David Guetta, Hardwell, Don Diablo, Lucky Date, Michael Woods, Max Vangeli and many others.
The Groove always come in the first place! I wanna record your song!
Los anillos son una parte importante en la imagen de cualquier músico que se precie y en nuestra web los tenemos para todos los gustos.
Soy cantante compositor. Además tengo mi Home Studio. Poseo guitarras eléctricas, bajo, teclado y batería.
We focus on making music we like with people we like.
I will turn your simple idea into an artistic way of looking at life.
Recent Successes
"Sefi is a professional who has the experience and know-how to get the job done. My band now uses his services exclusively for our mastering needs. In short, he will deliver mixes that are objectively loud and bright ..."
"Really quick turnaround time and good communication as always. Very flexible and understanding writer with a professional attitude. "
"Stefano excelled in creating and completing a very dramatic, modern, orchestral production for a pop song. He always willing to work through iterations and to experiment. Great result!"
"Good-natured, capable professional - Lucas and Cecilia formed half of a string quartet arrangement for one of my songs. Throughout, Lucas was clear about exactly what he needed in order to do the best job - and althou..."
"Top ! Jonas did an amazing work with mixing and mastering my song and was extremely good in listening to my detailed remarks. Thanks Jonas!!"
"Sefi took the track that I sent to him and flew off with it to a completely different place! The result is a balanced Mix, with punching lows and clear mids and highs. I am extremely happy with the results, and would ..."
"Isabella is simply the best artist I have ever worked with at adding strings!"