Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chayse Porter
Timely, professional, good communicator. Experienced in many types of music. Always focused on getting the artist the sound / mix they're looking for.
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Im Joel Everette, Im 23 and a recording engineer from Pensacola Florida, I studied Audio Engineering and music production at the Audio Institute of America. I work as a freelance engineer and Im a Pro Audio tech at the Guitar Center.
Looking forward to inspiring projects and jobs.
Go Travel Mate
Royal Touch ,Royal Treatment, RoyalHitz
Producer and Mixing Engineer from Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Ambient/underwater PRO. Songwriter with 100+ songs. Mixer and Producer. NYU Music essential certificate.
Hello. I'm RIGGS. I've been working as a mix mastering engineer and music composer since 2008. In this process, I worked on projects in many styles such as pop, rap, rock, rnb, edm, classical, jazz and so on. Work with me and get the best for your time.
Recent Successes
"Top guitar player Great sound, very pro. Good gear. He recorded for Pharell, Snoop Waw"
"I've worked with Niamh several times before, and will continue to work with her. She was quick to get tracks back to me, and has really locked in on the style I love. Very easy to work with."
"Absolute pleasure working with him. even he is a well known engineer he called me via Zoom and made sure we were on the same page. I already know this project is going so well and I am very excited for it. thank you ..."
"Second time working with Natalie, she did an amazing job once again! High quality, very professional, and fast turnaround time."
"Austin handily knocked this mix out of the park. He brought out elements in the song that gave it more depth."
"I was convinced Daniel is the best of the best from the very first project I worked on with him, but this last one absolutely guarantees it. I had some demo guitar parts that needed retracking but there were MANY nuan..."
"Derran does a great job and is an awesome singer! He gave my song the right touch it needed. "
"Running out of ways to express my gratitude. Jonas has been a Godsend to the DIY artist."