Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with chase mangum
Drummer, guitarist, singer, producer, recording and mixing engineer all in one little man… crazy right?
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I am an Gerardo Luna Mixing Engineer with 10 years experience. I just love to make music sound great and wont let go of a protect until me and the artist are 200% satisfied.
I record and mix records.
I write music for fun and hope that people enjoy it.
Looking for great production, rich arrangement and warm sound that will elevate your song to its full potential? In pop, electronic or metal, I work fast and efficiently until your composition sounds the way you always dreamt of !
Nothing is better to me than helping you take your song to the next level with quality recording, mixing, mastering, or production. I've been working for years in a professional studio with artists like YelloPain, Sada Baby, and C-Money Baby. Although most of my work is in Hip-Hop, Pop and R&B are where I really shine as a producer and engineer!
Baruch Ben Izhak is a Tel Aviv based producer, songwriter, film composer, mixer, recording engineer and guitarist. Having worked with Rockfour, Ninet, and Cut Out Club,and featured on Rolling Stone Magazine, Baruch can enhance your sound using both analogue and modern gear and techniques.
I will work with you to compose and produce the music that YOU want to put out. I am happy when my client is happy!
Sabrina Carpenter, Tate McRae, SZA, Dua Lipa and K-pop type beats HERE! I will create a pop or K-pop style beat inspired by the artists you choose until it's perfect for you.If you're looking for a top and original sound in 2024, listen to my samples and talk to me.
Recent Successes
"Extremely talented, very communicative and a pleasure to interact with. Would love to work together again! "
"Lo was an absolute pleasure to work with. She's just as enthusiastic about your project as you are. She's stays in touch and keeps you in the loop about her progress and if she can, will deliver well in advance of you..."
"Amazing producer/engineer... very open to ideas and is very very creative with his approach... makes every song shine!!! Highly recommend."
"Amazing job of Austin Leeds again! He is the Best! I love to work with him! Impressive mixing and masterings, incredible person, very patience with changes.. Looking forward to start a new project with him! "
"Wow Brooke! Thank You! I have goosebumps listening to how well the song came out! Your an Amazing artist and just so talented! You brought out the emotion and the passion in my song! I look forward to working together..."
"I had my band's EP mixed with Jake, and working with him was a great experience- he is friendly, professional and very skilled at what he does. My band is very happy with the end result and would highly recommend him ..."
"Noah has been amazing to work with. He is 5 stars all the way!"
"Yet another powerful performance from Chase for a high energy sports theme track for sync. Chase’s vocals always take the songs up another level and bring great industry reviews!! I love working with this artist! "