Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Charlie Pittman
Sad boy pop and singer / songwriter producer based in London. Have written / produced songs for the likes of John Buckley, Bertie Newman, Bradley Baker, Isaac Levi, Billie Flynn. As well as studio session guitar work for others including Nick Wilson, Billie Flynn.
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Hi, I am an award winning producer/mix engineer, specialising in guitar music (indie pop to death metal and everything in between). I offer worldwide Mixing and Mastering via the internet, plus a bunch of other services that are described on my website: www.uproarious.co.uk. Have a look and drop me a message.
Producing engaging content for today's Social Media audience is no easy task. Your audience is mostly entertained by their mobile devices, and seek out multimedia content that includes video, photos and music. What are you doing about it? Perhaps I might be able to help.
Im a hard worker and excellent at what I do. Willing to travel for concerts.
Create emotions, make my client satisfied and experiment. My goal is to create new sounds and make heads bounce.
Audio engineer, producer and custom music creator based out of Denver, Colorado. I offer professional audio recordings and mixes tailored to the specific artistic visions of the people I work with. With my diverse musical experience I can deliver anything from punchy, full production pop and rock, to stripped back acoustic arrangements.
I have a number one record? Is that enough? Please tell me I'm enough. But seriously, I can topline over anything and cut the vocals for you. Lots of experience and it's all about having fun and being a part of your process to ensure we get the best record made.
If you're looking for dope Hip Hop bangers then look no further! 🔥
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Recent Successes
"There aren't nearly enough stars for Bailey. ALL of her work is at the highest level of competitiveness. Beautiful singing that matches the best of the of pop vocalist out there. Top-notch writing that has already cap..."
"Ciara nailed vocals and harmonies for my song in the first take. Perfect timing, a minimum of noise, a nice accent and a very nice flow. Such a pleasure to work with. Saves a lot of time for me."
"What a total pleasure to work with! Fantastic support and recommendations. Goes the extra mile in service for sure! Also fantastic final mix! Thank you!"
"Did a voice clip for my podcast very fast. Recommend strongly"
"Final song for my EP is done, We leave this project on a high note and we now move on to newer and better songs to work on. Its always a pleasure to work with Kate, one of the only people i want to work on my songs is..."
"Thomas was an absolute pro to deal with. He delivered the sound I wanted exactly as I described it, was super patient, even encouraging me to go back and fix things in production, and is a true gent! I highly recommen..."
"Great ear and attention to detail. Dalton was very easy going and communicative. Really stellar audio engineering. Highly recommend Dalton! "
"Philip is a great artist and producer - honored to work with him!"