Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Damin Tyler
I can help you write/produce your music. I can add vocals, piano, synths.
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when its about perfection,zeal,and creativity then you're welcome to my world.Come lets do business and help ourselves
Subtle or in your face, the bass can make or break your tracks!
Hi, I'm Rohit Sainju from Nepal. I've been producing and working on music for almost every single day for 5 years now. I've work with the Local Artist from Nepal and everyone who work with me and collaborate with are amazed by my Creations.
Maker of the new old beats Making the difference in what was... and what is.
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Vocalist and Singer/Songwriter who has 10+ years of experience. Credits: Teddy Swims, Scary Pockets, Lawrence, PJ Morton, and many more. I have industry standard gear and skills. Can record remotely and deliver tracks or travel within the greater Atlanta area to record/perform on site.
Musician - Guitars, Keyboards ::: Composer - Rock, Metal, Pop, Electronic, Classical ::: Producer ::: Musical Transcription Services
Recent Successes
"Fantastic live drum tracks. Easy to work with. "
"Karen did a great job with a very fast turnover. She was very communicative and professional. Use her for your singing needs!"
"My remix is mastered perfectly! He is just the best sound engineer! I'm amazed, I don't want anyone else but Austin to do the mastering."
"Chris is fantastic! Thorough, detailed, committed, and communicates well. I plan on working with Chris again."
"Another stunning and amazing song completed by Killian. Even though it's my song, I'm a huge fan of his! The way he crafts the music that I send him, and how he adds feeling, sound and emotion to it, is incredible. M..."
"Amazing producer!! Working with him is truly like a dream come true. "
"fantanstic job davis, you did well on this tricky tune, but in the end the song got the perfect sound it deserves! thanx davis, we will be back for sure!"
"Daramola was incredible again on this song !!! Every time I work with him it turns out amazing !! He really took this song to new heights and I already have a new one for him to do. Great artist, producer and vocalist. "
"Excellent percussion stems of all sorts, especially good at organic drums. "