Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chamy
Afrobeat, Pop, RnB, Hip Hop, Trap
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I will get into the nitty gritty details because your project is worth it. I have a keen ear for detail and production. Bringing songs and narratives to life is my passion and i would love to be passionate about your project.
Creative mixing for underground rock, surf, punk, metal etc. genres
Hey there, i'm a songwriter, producer and engineer from Hamburg, Germany. I'm happy to connect, offer my services and have a great time working together with you.
I love engineering rap music. Whether it's just 1 vocal spitting bars over a pre-mastered beat or layers of interweaving melodies and harmonies over a 64 track beat, Loud Mind Productions will get it all sounding tight, clean, and bumping! Your vocals will POP while also sitting properly with the instrumental. Guaranteed to get the sound you want!
Faith without works is dead (James 2:20)
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Looking for the right partner to make your visions come true? Hi I'm Rick from Portugal and I'm a producer and a musician. Let's work together!
Music is my passion and I would love to work with you on your next project, if you would like to have a voice which makes your song unique, then you are in the right place!
Recent Successes
"Myah was a delight to work with, literally created exactly what I was visioning, if not better than what I was hearing in my head, her writing and vocals instantly showcases her ability and how good she is as both. Ca..."
"Jeni nailed it . . . I needed some classic sounding upright bass tracks, and she quickly delivered on two full-length options for me to pick and choose from. Her recording is clear and dynamic, her playing is great, a..."
"Professional and very talented. Great working with her. "
"Shelley rocks! Completed my project waaaaay before the due date. Can't wait to finish the song now!"
"Connor took my idea to do a duet for a song I wrote and created a beautiful and perfect rendition. I can't recommend him enough for the quality work he provides."
"Brian is a master at what he does. He is so patient and kind, and never takes anything personally which makes him so EASY to work with! He has incredible ideas as well, which I needed as an added bonus to my work. Tha..."