Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chacho Ramos
Two-time Latin Grammy winner (2019 & 2023), with 9 Latin Grammy nominations and 3 Grammy nominations. Currently serving as the CEO and Chief Mix & Mastering Engineer for Stereo and Immersive formats at dBMix Immersive.
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I have been a professional live/session drummer for 10 years, playing a wide variety of musical styles. Contact me if you need a drummer for your next session or live performance, as well as for the production of your songs or anything related to the drums.
Do you know how important your music quality is? It's important to me. Let me help you build your brand!!!
I've been writing and performing music for over 20 years. I've performed for many bands as a lead vocalist. I am currently continuing my career as a solo artist. Music speaks to me in ways I cannot explain. I can offer singer/songwriting services, hooks/melodies, guitar performances, and vocal features.
my ears and hands are my hands special attributes. take a chance and work with me to see just what i mean .
Are you looking for PROFESSIONAL audio/music services without bust the bank or sell your mom's TV? This is our jam! Mixing, Mastering, Editing, Topline, Guitar tracking, instrumental production, vocals for an affordable price and competitive quality done by high experienced musicians/engineers. Contact us and let's make your music happen!
Hey! I'm Bron - singer songwriter, producer. Ethereal Pop, Folk, EDM and Cinematic styles. 10+ years industry experience. I create vocals that are both emotive and ethereal, powerful and haunting. With a 3+ octave vocal range, quick turn arounds and great communication, I can't wait to hear about what you're creating!
From guitar and vocals to pitch corrections and mastering, I've done a little bit of everything. I engineered, mixed, and mastered Meat Raffle's debut album "Unintended Consequences" during the height of the pandemic when remote work was vital. I'm familiar with every bit of the process and I'm excited to help other artists achieve their vision.
Versatile powerhouse singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, and producer specializing in rock, pop, and country. Based in Australia, I craft dynamic melodies and lyrics that resonate. With a passion for storytelling through music, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical skill to every project.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time I worked with Mark in less than a month great singer and always delivers. One of the best singers I've ever worked with and can come up with his own melodies and lyrics if you don't have any. ..."
"Very professional, kind person, good sound!"
"True professional, which makes it a pleasure to work with him."
"Wonderful experience working with Simon as always! Simon is really attentive, and diligent. He really cares about his work, and is prepared to work until the client is completely satisfied. I cannot recommend Simon en..."
"Nathalie was wonderful to work with, beautiful voice and very professional in her delivery"
"Amy was creative, flexible and also fun to work with. She turned things around fast. I would love to work with her on another project. She brought her own flavor and ideas, and that made a really nice difference in ..."
"If you need good quality Organ or keyboard session work I highly recommend Paul Kempf for the job! He laid down his ideas in the first take and it sparked more ideas for me, which I asked him could he do some more tak..."
"Evan is a pro in so many ways! He was so great to work with! Patient, kind, cordial, and committed to giving my lyrics life with his arrangement! My words have a life with his incredible talent! Soon my voice will com..."
"Kimera is just plain amazing in every way. Every song we send her way goes straight through the stratosphere! Unbelievably talented, great person, knows just what to do with every note in any genre we throw at her. H..."
"Undy is so great and professional ! She is the best !"