Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cerulean Records
I help artists achieve their dreams through extensive listening and close collaboration. The art of sound is everything to me.
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I work with MACHINE GIRL, LUSTSICKPUPPY, KILL ALTERS, + many more subversive artists pushing the boundaries of art & music. I'm a recording engineer, co-producer, mixing engineer (often master my own mixing projects) & FOH Live engineer. Mostly these days, I am mixing from my home studio.
Audio Engineer for Atlantic Records. Worked with artists such as Kehlani, T.I., Skizzy Mars, Alec Benjamin, Cico P, Catie Turner & more.
🎵 Welcome! I'm Matt Lawton—an artist skilled in pop, rock, and indie. 🎓 **Background** Musician, producer, educator. My work features on Radio 1 and Jazz FM. 🎼 **Services** Mixing, production, instrument recording. 🌟 **Quality** Analog synths, Logic Pro/Ableton on M1 Mac Mini for top-tier sound. 🎧 Contact Email: mattlawtonbass@gmail.com
Masters of Music in Contemporary Improvisation. Folky, subtle & diverse.
Lewis Chapman is an Engineer / Producer / Mixer based out of Immersive at The Ranch in Southampton, UK. Credits Include: Ed Sheeran / Simply Red / Simple Minds / Mark Ronson / Calum Scott / Joshua Bassett / Orla Gartland / Empress Of
I offer monthly Mastering subscription services for ONLY $50! AND you can get lyrics video OR cover design for free! Within a month, I'll offer mastering services for all the songs you create, regardless of quantity. This ensures you can focus on your creative flow, knowing that the sound quality is in expert hands.
Visionary Pop Production tailored for your next project. My name is Vincent Guiliano, professional Music Producer, Mixer and Multi-Instrumentalist. With over 6+ years of experience, I bring a blend of expertise and passion to every song, ensuring your music stands out for all the right reasons.
Professional producer and mixing engineer with an extensive jazz background, dedicated to delivering high-quality productions that prioritize music and arrangement excellence.
Recent Successes
"Great Job! I'll be glad to work with Oscar again! Fast, patient, high quality, pleasant work! Top!"
"Awesome work once again, his attention to details is impressive. He knows music and is very helpful in giving ideas while making sure you get what you have in mind for the song. I highly recommend him and will certain..."
"There's a reason I continue to use Marcello every time. He's professional, quick and remarkably talented. At this point, I consider him a friend and partner in crime for all my projects with vocals."
"Brittany has a lovely melodic voice, she is capable of doing both lead and backing vocals to a very professional standard and has a quick turnaround! Easy to work and her enthusiasm shines through in her work!"
"I enjoyed working with Dose, his communication is short and sweet, but he knows what you need. I was seeking a high quality dynamic trap beat for a film montage and he delivered a premium track that matched the enthus..."
" Chuck plugged into the core of the song and gave it exactly what it needed with the many different layers of his performance. The results of his work went above and beyond what I could have possibly imagined. I wi..."
"Kiki is professional, communicative, and exceptionally talented. We took our time working on an original EDM piano house song and the end result is stellar. We went back and forth in the early stages to find a great m..."
"Thank you for working again! Yoad is so professional and patient and responsive to any requests you may have. Pleasure working again. Great sound! Keep in touch, more projects to come, soon."
"Mattia has a deep understanding of music — a vital asset for an engineer. He speaks its language, and it’s clear that music is his true passion. There’s no ego involved, just a dedication to the art and the end produc..."