Cello in France who worked with France

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 - Ryuno

I am a composer, sound designer and audio engineer available for new work.

Full fledged production unit - Piggy Bank Productions

We, at Piggy Bank Productions, understand how dear your music is to you and how expensive it can get to shape it.

Musician, Band - AarshiNagar

AarshiNagar - Rock Nation Fusion Band

Educational Advisor - Charlotte Smith

Charlotte Smith is a Masters students in the University of Birmingham

Affordable Music Producer - Scorpodra

Are you an artist on the search for your own unique signature sound, but haven't yet found the right way to do so!? Go no further. The person who can support you through your artistic journey and bring your music to the next level is right here. Together, we can develop a unique product that will live up to professional standard and stand out!

Mastering Engineer - William Allen

As a music industry expert, I emphasize the importance of a skilled mastering engineer. We use modern digital and traditional analog tools to refine a recording, achieve ultimate fidelity, and add character. The result elevates a track from good to great. For serious musicians, a mastering engineer is essential to unleash a full potential.

Mastering, Mixing, Engineering - Ian Bennett


Ian is a 15 year music industry veteran as a composer, recording, mixing and mastering engineer. When you work with Ian on a project, you can expect a careful analysis of your music for quality control issues, a comparative analysis with any reference tracks you send, and careful application of many analog devices to make your music sound GREAT!

Singer, Songwriter, Producer  - Gautam Tamang

I'll be your Male singer for your original/cover song

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