Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cassetta
The sound of San Francisco // +20 years experience // Halcyon SF nightclub sound & lighting director. I specialize in mixing and mastering EDM- house, techno, bass, trap, DnB, hip hop, and test my masters on the world-class Pioneer XY sound system at Halcyon.
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I am DJ PLUTON1C from Queens, NY offering official quality music.
If you are tired of sounding too similar to the next artist and want something unique but sounds great, I'm your guy.
Songwriter who's here to bring your ideas to life. I sing, rap, write lyrics, arrange, and record vocals, piano, electric bass, electric/acoustic guitar, and trombone. I also do string arrangements, arrangements for any solo instrument, music production, and recording.
Affordable top quality for mixing and mastering. $60 per song. If you want to book a recording session, it’ll be $25 per hour
From arrange music to mix and master
Musician/recording artist specializing in live/studio performance and songwriting.
DJ, Guitarrist, Singer, Songwriter, Tecno producer - Mixing engineer. Seeking to be part of projects where sound design is prioritized and all decisions related to audio have a meaning. Currently finishing my studies to become a music producer, sound and recording technician at EMBA - Buenos Aires Music School.
Recent Successes
"This was my first time working with David and I was really pleased with his contributions. I was looking for some percussion options that would drive a track without a typical drum kit. He produced a series of inter..."
"Jeff knows his stuff, for sure, but honestly, that's really only part of what made this a great experience so far. That Emmy award-winning experience is really found in his attitude, enthusiasm, and professional appro..."
"He doesn’t disappoint, 10/10 easily!"
"Second time around! Great experience!! Very professional!"
"great communication throughout project. high quality work in a timely manner. willing to work with again."
"Can't say enough about Bruce. He's a multi-instrumentalist that can create a full backing production with each instrument playing off of each other. Melodic, sensible, respects the song... I've learned to go to Bruce ..."
"Nico is as talented with mastering as he is with mixing!! Great results in short time. He was also very patient and took me through the process of how we should approach the master for best results."
"I love working with Ivy! She is the total package! Super talented, creative, professional and easy to work with. Looking forward to doing a lot more work together! "