Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Caroline Harvey
Do you want the most natural yet the more powerful sound? Look no further!
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hi,I'm Danny.i have 8 years experience in polishing audio in which 5 years with the senior professionals ,So undoubtedly i would be your best choose .As i have various hardwares to polish audio.I can give your trust as an promise.And you can receive the output as soon as possible.
My early goal was to get to a point where I could manifest the sounds and sonic characteristics that were in my head. I have come to a point through a lot of education and trial and error where I now feel able to do this consistently. Being able to help others achieve the same thing is tremendously satisfying.
Fresh sound
I am a well versed percussionist in several styles and genres. I can add a vast array of colors and textures to enhance your existing grooves or work with you to create new ones. I will provide professional quality tracks (stems) for your songs/album/film score and more!
Thesis Writing Service
Call us aural witchcrafters. Call us sound designers. Call us, whether you're scoring a movie, recording a song -- or creating a piece of digital art. We work collaboratively on each client's sound-bound journey with industry heavy-weights and starting artists alike.
Do You Need a K-POP Sound Mix? [K-pop Music Mix Engineer]
Eh trabajado en un par de producciones encargándome de la mezcla y en la masterización de los proyectos para artistas independientes, y durante un mes entero me dedique a realizar una mezcla de diferentes géneros cada día durante mi capacitación especializada en mezcla de audio, trabajaremos hasta encontrar el sonido que deseas
Recent Successes
"Such a wonderful experience to work with Trey! He was able to take what I had in terms of lyrics and a vocal melody and make it soooo much better than I could have envisioned on my own. The more I listen to the demo, ..."
"Great Job ! beautiful voice, highly recommended. Attentive and well predisposed."
"As always, I absolutely love working with Aaron. He's my go to engineer because I have 100% confidence he will deliver what I want, every time. I've had the pleasure of working with him on multiple projects and he con..."
"Had a great experience working with Matt on my track! He was very responsive and I was amazed as the sonic quality even on his first pass through. Good find! "
"Fast, amazing to talk to and quality work! I want Chris for all my future projects!"
"This is the third time with Andrijana. The first two songs were sumptuous lead vocals and were excellent! THIS song was for numerous spot harmonies and they came out SO WELL! Pitches, Timing, Rhythm, Diction all pe..."
"As Always , Xtina made the job perfectly and understand well what we want , Easy to work with her , Thanks again !"